All theories about the origin and evolution of life are the set of paradoxes. Each of them denies the fact of the other theory. But equally elucidates how life could have actually evolved. Take a look at a pictorial history of the origin of life on earth.
The origin and evolution of life in Oceans, a process called Abiogenesis; that throws light on how life evolved from the inanimate matter. There are certain fossils and pieces of evidence that confirm that life was originated here on earth in the oceans almost 3.5 billion years ago.
Oparin’s Theory
According to Oparins theory, several gases like Methane, Ammonia, Hydrogen, and Water Vapours were the components of the primitive atmosphere. Lightning produced as a result of storms, volcanic eruptions and UV radiations were the key drivers of the chemical reaction. As a result of this chemical reaction, organic molecules, mentioned above, formed that became the part of the primitive ocean. These organic molecules got separated in the form of coacervates that were the ancestors of cells, in this way life evolved on Earth
Panspermia Theory
According to the Panspermia Theory, life existed from some extra-terrestrial spores transported by meteorites.
Meteorite Theory
The Meteorite Theory holds a huge importance while we discuss about the Origin of Life. According to this theory, one of the meteorites carrying the right ingredients to start life crashed with the Earth’s Surface. This is how life was started 4 billion years ago.
The meteors’ crash on early Earth generated Hydrogen Cyanide like compounds. It seems that it could have started the production of biomolecules required to make the 1st cell.
Protein interaction world hypothesis
The origins of life – the “protein interaction world” hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, life emerged as a result of self-reproducing and expanding system of unique protein interactions. It was considered that RNA was evolved first but new researches on Origin of Life deny this fact.
RNA World Hypothesis
The energy was provided by the Hydrothermal vents. Muddy soils provided sufficient minerals. Vesicles began to form within the organic molecules and self -reproduction of the vesicles also started at the same time. The RNA was supposed to be the first nucleic acid.
The Evolution of Life
Human evolution is the developmental procedure that prompted the rise of anatomically modern humans, starting with the evolutionary history of primates—specifically variety Homo—and prompting the rise of Homo sapiens as unmistakable types of the primate family, the great apes.
Shreds of evidence of Evolution
- Homologous and Analogous Organs provide significant evidence of the evolutionary process.
- Homologous Organs have the same morphology, embryology, and anatomy but are dissimilar in function, like Bat’s wing, a wing of a bird, Human hand, and forelimb of a horse.

Komal Nadeem is based in Jhelum. She is doing BS. Biochemistry from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. Her Interests are Reading books and novels, Gardening, Observing surroundings.