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Space Migration: Anthropology and Future of Humanization of Space

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Space humanization seems just a few steps away. The human race is now technologically advanced to find themselves out of the Earth’s layers and into space, stepping on the Moon, living in orbit, and working to develop a habitat on Mars. We finally are in the era where we are looking deep further into the ocean of stars and galaxies way beyond from own solar system and galaxy.

We can look back in time and track the future based on it. Looking to take the leap of faith by looping onto the exoplanets and discussing migrating into extraterrestrial zones. Anthropology seems to be a crucial part of understanding, facilitating, and unleashing the process of future outer space human civilization.

Many cultures throughout history have migrated from their native habitats into an unknown world. Biological advancement has also evolved the cultural analogies of the human race. Anthropology seems to have contributed less to our technical and futuristic originality as escalating into space. The idea of space migration keeps anthropology at its core for moving people with their culture and attributes to other celestial bodies into outer space.

In reality, anthropologists focused highly on the long past of humanity and its evolution rather than on its future perspective, which made them study small tribes rather than large industrial societies. The analogies in anthropology that apply to space facilitate us in realizing human consequences of leaving our natural and native habitat “Earth” to the vast cosmos into an unknown world.

Since humans set foot on other planets, we’ve been fascinated by space. We’ve looked up at the stars, dreamed of traveling to them, and imagined what life might be like outside our planet’s atmosphere. But what makes space migration such an exciting topic is that it asks questions about who we are as a species and how we define ourselves concerning the universe around us.

We all know that humans have been exploring and settling space for centuries, but what we may not know is that this activity has had a significant impact on anthropology. Exploring the humanization of space and how it has changed over time is inevitable, which leads us to the implications of space migration on the development of human societies.

With the help of technology, we are now able to explore and understand the vast reaches of our universe.
With the help of technology, we can now explore and understand the vast reaches of our universe.

We are constantly surrounded by technology that has shaped the way we live. Our world has become increasingly reliant on technology, from smartphones to air travel. But what is the impact of technology on human beings? And how has technology shaped the way we think about space?

With the help of technology, we can now explore and understand the vast reaches of our universe. As humans, we are constantly exploring and expanding our understanding of the world around us. We have reached our beginning, deciphering the formation of our world, unleashing the facts of solar system formation, discovering the mysteries of the cosmos, and looking back in space-time. But, what the future holds for us and how we can rectify it is the question that we are looking for.

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Space migration has long been considered a viable solution to address environmental problems on Earth. Recent developments in space technology make it possible for us to explore and colonize other planets. As we understand the psychological and social implications of space colonization, we will be better equipped to manage this complex process.

How Humans Will Live in Space: A Primer on Moon-Based Colonies, Asteroid Domes, and Other Futuristic Settlements

Most people know that we need to find a way to live sustainably on Earth, as the planet is finite. But few people know that we need to do the same thing for space as well. The Earth is not our only home, and we’ve already started colonizing space! Humans have been living in space for over 50 years, and there are several habitats in space that we currently call home. In this article, we will be discussing some of these habitats and what they entail for humans. We will also be looking at some of the challenges we face regarding space colonization and how we are currently addressing them. So buckle up because this is going to be an exciting ride!

Space migration has long been considered a viable solution to address environmental problems on Earth.
Space migration has long been considered a viable solution to address environmental problems on Earth.

Why should we think of anthropology while planning space migration?

We live in an era of unprecedented change and the humanization of space. Just a few decades ago, humans only knew about the planet Eartharth its neighboring planets. But today, we have space exploration and travel at our fingertips, thanks to the ever-growing network of satellites. This has led to a new field of study called space anthropology, which is concerned with documenting and studying the cultures of extraterrestrial societies. It is essential to think of anthropology while planning space migration. It will help us understand the motivations behind why people would choose to leave their home planet and journey into unknown territory.

Future of space migration and moving people and their culture to other celestial bodies in outer space

With the rise of commercial space travel and the increasing interest in space exploration, the future of space migration is looking very bright. As humanity begins to explore and settle other celestial bodies in outer space, people will inevitably move their culture and civilization there. This will undoubtedly bring about new challenges and opportunities and will profoundly impact human life on Eartharthth technological advances; we can expect to see a gradual humanization of space, as people can migrate and establish settlements on other worlds.


Space migration is an inevitable future trend that will play a significant role in humanizing and exploring space. Overcoming the sociocultural barriers to working and living in space is necessary if we want to pave the way for a better, more unified human civilization. Anthropology must continue to hold the key to promoting understanding among differentiated branches of humankind scattered through space. By doing so, we can work together towards realizing our dreams of living and thriving in space!


  1. David Valentine, “Encountering the future: Anthropology and outer space,” Anthropology new, December 2009
  2. Clearwater, Yvonne. 1985, A Human Place in Outer Space. Psychology Today19 (7): 34:43
  3. Wachter, Kenneth W, 1985. Predicting Demographic Contours of an Interstellar Future. In Interstellar Migration and the Human Experience ed. Ben R. Finney and Eric M. Jones, 120-133. Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Press.
  4. Cheston, T. Stephen; Charles M. Chafer; and Sallie B. Chafer. 1984. Social Sciences and Space Exploration. NASA EP-192.
  5. https://www.sapiens.org/column/wanderers/anthropologists-in-outer-space/
  6. https://www.innovaspace.org/blog/anthropology-of-outer-space
  7. https://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu//full/1992NASSP.509D.164F/D000165.000.html


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