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Saturday, September 14, 2024
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The World Needs to Boost Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiatives

“The rewards for biotechnology are tremendous -to solve disease, eliminate poverty, age gracefully. It sounds so much cooler than Facebook”, says George M. Church,...

DNA— A Futuristic Data Storage and Computation Device

DNA computing is an exciting technology in computing. Instead of silicon-based electronic circuits, it utilizes molecular reaction techniques to compute DNA molecules.

Blue Biotechnology: The secrets of the ocean are yet to be explored

Blue or marine biotechnology is fascinating both scientifically and commercially.

Cow burps heat up the Earth; Biotech company invents Bovine Beano

Spirulina avoids such concerns as feeding the cows spirulina containing the enzyme does not in any way get absorbed in the cow's bloodstream or milk.

Hippocrates Vs. Pasteur: Is Modern Medicine an Upgrade?

Modern medicinal practices may run us into the ground in the long run as a species.

The Scientific advancements in Islamic golden age

It was an era of incredible scientific, social, cultural, philosophical, and economic buoyancy in the history of Islam.

A conversation with Dr. Muniapann about the biological invasion and pest management practices in Nepal

"My approach is to utilize local parasitoids, or natural enemies to supress a pest."

Cryptic Viruses- Spreading the RNA repertoire

The lack of data has hampered evolutionary research to determine where RNA viruses originated.

In Today’s world, Anthropology is more important than ever

With the help of new concepts and methods, anthropologists have learned about ancient civilizations' social and cultural aspects.

Story of Human Evolution- From Apes to Man

The story of human evolution is based on Darwin's theory of evolution and spans millions of years.

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