Scientists have found that the magnetic north pole of the Earth has crossed the prime meridian. It has been in motion at a higher speed than expected and within the past two decades, it has moved on from the Canadian Arctic to Siberia with a rate of more than 50 kilometers.
The data was released on 10 December by the National Centers for Environmental Information and British Geological Survey which along with telling about the current speed, have predicted that the movement of the magnetic north pole will continue, although, at a much slower rate.
There is a need to understand and deeply study the model as it used in the calibration of different equipment for navigation including the GPS (Global Positioning System).

The magnetic field of our planet is produced when the outer core, which is made of iron, movies, and results in a complex north-south field. It is currently facing a reduction in strength due to unknown reasons. This is also one of the reasons for the movement of the magnetic north. According to the National Centers for Environmental Information, its location in the earlier part of 2019 was found to be at 86.54 N 170.88 E, within the Arctic Ocean.
After every five years, a new version of the World Magnetic Model is released when scientists recalibrate and carefully study the behavior and movement of the Earth’s magnetic field. The expected 2020 model features a “Blackout Zone” as well which is the area around the magnetic north and compasses are unable to give the correct information about the right direction as true north isn’t easily identified. This map also shows magnetic northeast of the prime meridian, which was set as the official point and marker of zero degrees, zero minutes and zero seconds in the geographic coordinate system.
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