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Night Owl’s cheatsheet—Mastering Melatonin’s sleep clock for ultimate rest

A peaceful quietness blankets the surroundings as the sun sets, inviting meditation and mindfulness. Many people find that the peaceful embrace of the night provides a welcome change of pace after the day’s exhausting activities. But, against this peaceful background, a specific group of people—the night owls—constantly battle to get enough sleep. However, a hidden key to unlock restful nights for these dark residents is known as melatonin. Melatonin, a hormone with strong effects that are frequently disregarded, has the potential to help us understand the fascinating night owl’s sleep schedule.

Understanding melatonin and the sleep cycle

Melatonin, often referred to as “the hormone of darkness,” plays a crucial role in regulating our sleep-wake cycles, serving as our body’s internal timekeeper. Produced by the pineal gland in the brain, its levels fluctuate in a 24-hour cycle, controlled by our body clock. Receptors in the hypothalamus’s suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) control this hormone’s secretion. Its production is sensitive to environmental light cues, which orchestrate our transition between wakefulness and slumber. 

When darkness descends, signaling the onset of nighttime, the pineal gland responds by releasing melatonin into the bloodstream. This surge in melatonin levels prepares our bodies for restorative sleep. Blood melatonin levels rise about two hours before bedtime, helping establish conditions favorable to sleep by slightly lowering core body temperature. As dawn approaches and daylight filters through, melatonin production diminishes, aligning with our body’s natural rhythm to prepare for awakening and the activities of the day. 

One notable phenomenon within this melatonin-driven cycle is the “forbidden zone” for sleep—a period during the early evening hours when the body’s propensity to fall asleep is notably low. This period typically spans from around 6 PM to 9 PM, during which individuals may find it challenging to initiate rest despite feeling tired. It is recommended not to try sleeping during this time zone as it might affect an individual’s sleep instinct later. 

However, as this window closes, usually between 9 PM and 11 PM, the sleep gate opens, marking the onset of increased sleepiness and facilitating easier entry into a restful state. A decrease in melatonin levels in our body can cause hindrances to our sleep and can lead to sleep disturbances.  

Blood melatonin levels rise about two hours before bedtime, helping establish conditions favorable to sleep by slightly lowering core body temperature.
Blood melatonin levels rise about two hours before bedtime, helping establish conditions favorable to sleep by slightly lowering core body temperature.

Factors decreasing melatonin release in the human body

Factors that decrease melatonin release in the body include certain drugs like beta blockers and NSAIDs, which inhibit its production. Beta-blockers, commonly prescribed to lower blood pressure, work by inhibiting specific receptors, consequently decreasing melatonin release. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin and several other over-the-counter painkiller drugs, suppress nighttime melatonin levels. Blue light exposure at night also suppresses melatonin levels. 

Aging reduces pineal gland function, diminishing melatonin production. Short-term fasting and nutrient deficiencies in folate, magnesium, and zinc further contribute to decreased melatonin levels. Staying up late, the common nocturnal habit of night owls can harm their physical and psychological well-being.

Night owls’ nocturnal habits and psychological well-being

The psychological well-being of night owls can be significantly affected by their nocturnal habits. Staying up late into the night can contribute to mood disturbances, including heightened feelings of anxiety and depression. Disrupted sleep patterns impact neurotransmitters and hormones responsible for regulating emotional states, such as serotonin and cortisol, leading to increased stress levels and vulnerability to emotional ups and downs. Furthermore, impaired cognitive function due to inadequate sleep can result in difficulties in thinking clearly and making effective decisions. 

Night owls may also experience alterations in appetite and eating habits, often succumbing to late-night cravings and unhealthy dietary choices. Interruption of the circadian rhythm, sleep-wake cycles, and low levels of melatonin hormone are considered risk factors for a variety of health problems, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, and various sleep disorders.

Sleep disorders and melatonin

Sleep disorders can wreak havoc on our lives, affecting everything from our mood to our overall health. One common culprit behind these disorders is insomnia, characterized by difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. Our natural melatonin levels decrease as we age, making us more susceptible to insomnia. Melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles, has shown promise in treating insomnia, especially in older adults. 

But melatonin isn’t just for insomnia. It has also been studied for its role in managing other sleep-related issues like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition where breathing is disrupted during sleep. Melatonin has been found to mitigate some of the complications associated with OSA, such as cardiovascular problems and inflammation.

Sleep disorders can wreak havoc on our lives, affecting everything from our mood to our overall health.
Sleep disorders can wreak havoc on our lives, affecting everything from our mood to our overall health.

Enhancing melatonin levels in the body

Implementing various strategies can be beneficial in enhancing melatonin production and promoting healthy sleep.

  • Manage light exposure: Seek natural light in the morning and daytime, and avoid bright light about 90 minutes before bedtime to regulate melatonin levels.
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine intake before bedtime to support higher melatonin levels.
  • Incorporate melatonin-rich foods into your diet, including tomatoes, rice, barley, strawberries, olive oil, milk, pistachios, walnuts, seeds, eggs, fish, tart cherries, and goji berries into the diet to naturally boost melatonin levels.
  • Dimming lights and reducing screen time before bed to minimize exposure to blue light, which suppresses melatonin production.
  • Establishing a consistent sleep schedule synchronizes the body’s internal clock and facilitates the natural release of melatonin at the appropriate times.
  • Supplementing with melatonin: Discuss the potential benefits and considerations of using melatonin supplements to regulate sleep patterns, emphasizing the importance of consulting with a healthcare professional before incorporating them into one’s routine.
  • Lifestyle adjustments for optimal sleep: Highlight the importance of creating a sleep-friendly environment, practicing relaxation techniques, and prioritizing self-care to support restful nights and overall well-being.
  • Konttinen, H., Kronholm, E., Partonen, T., Kanerva, N., Männistö, S., & Haukkala, A. (2014). Morningness-eveningness, depressive symptoms, and emotional eating: A population-based study. Chronobiology International. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24417521. doi:10.3109/07420528.2013.877922
  • Zizhen Xie, Fei Chen, William A. Li, Xiaokun Geng, Changhong Li, Xiaomei Meng, Yan Feng, Wei Liu & Fengchun Yu (2017): A review of sleep disorders and melatonin, Neurological Research.
  • McGrane IR, Leung JG, St. Louis E, et al. Melatonin therapy for REM sleep behavior disorder: a critical review of evidence. Sleep Med. 2015;16:19–26.
  • Poza, J.J., Pujol, M., Ortega-Albás, J.J. and Romero, O., 2022. Melatonin in sleep disorders. Neurología (English Edition)37(7), pp.575-585.
  • Benca, R.M., Okawa, M., Uchiyama, M., Ozaki, S., Nakajima, T., Shibui, K. and Obermeyer, W.H., 1997. Sleep and mood disorders. Sleep medicine reviews, 1(1), pp.45-56.
  • Stoschitzky, K., Koshucharova, G., Zweiker, R., Maier, R., Watzinger, N., Fruhwald, F.M. and Klein, W., 2001. Differing beta‐blocking effects of carvedilol and metoprolol. European journal of heart failure, 3(3), pp.343-349.
  • Dawson, D. and Encel, N., 1993. Melatonin and sleep in humans. Journal of pineal research, 15(1), pp.1-12.
  • Brown, G.M., 1994. Light, melatonin and the sleep-wake cycle. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 19(5), p.345.
  • Skocbat, T., Haimov, I. and Lavie, P., 1998. Melatonin-the key to the gate of sleep. Annals of medicine, 30(1), pp.109-114.
  • Zisapel, N., 2010. Melatonin and sleep. The Open Neuroendocrinology Journal, 3(1).
  • Kun, X., Cai Hong, H. and Subramanian, P., 2019. Melatonin and sleep. Biological Rhythm Research, 50(3), pp.490-493.

More From the Author: Practical Tips and Strategies to Reduce Carbon Footprints in Daily Life

Nanoscience— In Energy Sustainability Outlook

For more than 200 years, fossil fuel has been the primary source of energy, enabling the Industrial Revolution and technological advancement of society as a whole. As we know previously, energy is based on non-renewable resources, and we have to look for some renewable means for our energy. We need any source that enables us to meet our energy requirements and store enough amount of energy, leading us toward future energy conversion. In the article, I have discussed the different aspects of nanoscience for future sustainability using nanostructure for energy storage devices, i.e., Supercapacitors, Metallic Ion rechargeable batteries, Fuel Cells, etc.

In the near future, fossil fuels, particularly oil, will continue to play a significant role in the global economy. As consumption reaches its peak and consumer demand rises, the world must either discover new energy supplies or substantially improve existing energy technologies. The world has come to comprehend that using fossil fuels excessively threatens the planet’s ecosystems. The advancement of green energy is one of the most pressing global challenges due to the demand for alternative, clean energy sources and the preservation of the environment.

Nanomaterials have the potential to completely transform techniques for storing energy, rendering them superior, accessible, and sustainable. Thanks to their special nanoscale features, they can significantly improve many energy storage systems, eventually leading to a more environmentally friendly future.

Figure 1: A schematic represents the usage of nanomaterials in nanotechnology for designing the nanoscale devices i.e., for Supercapacitors, Batteries and Fuel Cells [1]
Figure 1: A schematic represents the usage of nanomaterials in nanotechnology for designing nanoscale devices, i.e., for Supercapacitors, Batteries, and Fuel Cells [1]

There is no dispute that in order for the globe’s economy and climate to have an environmentally friendly future, renewable energy must account for a sizable share of renewable energy consumption.

The natural reconfiguration tendencies of two-dimensional shapes (2D) nanomaterials, which drastically limits the way they can be used, undercuts the rapidly expanding interest in these materials. New porous heterostructures combining monolayered mesoporous substrates with two-dimensional nanosheets can significantly increase the selection of innovative substances in battery-based electrochemical energy technologies.

Advancements in Nanoscience

Many additional two-dimensional materials, including nanosheet-like structures, such as transition metal oxides (TMO), dichalcogenides, and transition metal carbides (TMCs) or transition metal nitrides (MXenes), have gained more attention as graphene was initially experimentally separated in 2004.

Beside other traditional materials with thicknesses in millimeters (mm) or micrometers (ꭎm), MXenes are just a few atoms thick. MXenes resemble tiny sheets with a high surface area and volume proportion. This gives ions plenty of room to gather and take part in energy storage workflows, particularly in supercapacitors.

Interestingly, even though the thickness of MXenes is a hundred times less than that of human hair, the research proceeded by the University of British Colombia (UBC), National Science Foundation, UK, and A.J. Drexel Institute of materials showed that their researchers created lightweight, 3D- printed polymer waveguides for satellites, coating them with conductive MXene nanomaterials to enable high-quality signal transmission for space rockets. This is how nanostructures like MXenes and other composites are providing the world with an opportunity to move toward future sustainability.

Figure 2:  A brief guiding schematic for the usage of Nanomaterials in different daily life applications [5]
Figure 2:  A brief guiding schematic for the usage of Nanomaterials in different daily life applications [5]

Unlike conventional materials, nanostructures (the basics of nanoscience) have many more tiny molecules or atoms on their interfaces. This boosts excitability and the easy availability of working spots for energy-related instances, such as the electrochemical processes in Supercapacitors, batteries, and fuel cells. Due to the use of lithium-ion batteries in portable and light electric products, backup energy storage components, and hybrid electric automobiles, the demand for these batteries has significantly expanded.

An American computer scientist and mathematician Ralph Merkle once said very precisely;

“Nanotechnology is an idea that most people simply didn’t believe. We’ll have more power in the volume of a sugar cube than exists in the entire world today.”

Figure 3: The nanoscience is fueling the world with green energy and striving for lowering its pollution for sustainability. [6]
Figure 3: The nanoscience is fueling the world with green energy and striving to lower its pollution for sustainability. [6]

Researchers are striving to enhance the energy density, power density, durability, and reliability of lithium-ion batteries through the integration of nanomaterials into all of these different elements. These properties are essential for their wide adoption in various applications, including portable electronics, electric vehicles, and grid energy storage.

Nanostructures for Energy Conversion Applications

High energy and power density may be achieved concurrently because of nanoparticles’ characteristic short diffusion paths and high surface-to-volume ratio. Additionally, the ability of nanomaterials to work with cutting-edge manufacturing processes like spray coating, printing, roll-to-roll assembly, and others makes it possible to design and create flexible, foldable, and smart energy storage systems.

Thinking precisely toward storing Energy

The more we are heading in the future, we will be gaining advancement in the energy storage direction. With the growing population around us, researchers are thinking more precisely to meet the requirements of future energy consumption using cutting-edge materials and technology for a better and secure future.

In conclusion, one can say that nanomaterials are the little titans altering our technological environment in the field of nanoscience. Despite their tiny size, they are incredibly powerful, holding the potential to advance energy, medicine, and other fields.

A world of whispered miracles, where nanoparticles dance with atoms, is hidden from observation. They hold the pathway to energy revolutions, medical wonders, and a sustainable future with their quiet influence. When seen from a macro perspective, what might appear to be a whisper at the nanoscale becomes a roar of innovation. Scientists use nanomaterials to create marvels, much like painters do on miniature canvases.

There is a journey into nanoscience that lies beyond the horizon of ordinary materials. In this context, nanomaterials take on the role of cosmic explorers, laying the foundation for a new era in energy, medicine, and sustainability ahead in the future. The blueprint for tomorrow’s legacy resides inside the tiny structures of nanomaterials. Their pioneering attitude inspires the quest for sustainable energy, revolutionary healthcare, and an innovatively driven world.


Also Read:Is electrical energy an alternative to more carbon footprints?

Spiders on Mars? The truth behind the mysterious clusters on the Red Planet

The European Space Agency (ESA) recently shared pictures of the mysterious spider-like clusters on the planet Mars. The space agency has, however, clarified that these spider-like dark features on the Red Planet form “when spring sunshine falls on layers of carbon dioxide deposited over the dark winter months.” 

The view of Ice-Spiders on Mars. Photo ESA.
The view of Ice-Spiders on Mars. Photo ESA.

The sunlight causes carbon dioxide ice at the bottom of the layer to turn into gas, which subsequently builds up and breaks through slabs of overlying ice. The gas bursts free in Martian springtime, dragging dark material up to the surface as it goes and shattering layers of ice up to a meter thick.

The emerging gas, laden with dark dust, shoots up through cracks in the ice in the form of tall fountains or geysers before falling back down and settling on the surface. This creates dark spots between 45 m and 1 km across. This same process creates characteristic ‘spider-shaped’ patterns etched beneath the ice – and so these dark spots are a telltale sign that spiders may be lurking below.

Perspective view of Mars' Inca City. Photo ESA
Perspective view of Mars’ Inca City. Photo ESA

Mars Express’s High-Resolution Stereo Camera captured this new view of Inca City and its hidden arachnid residents. The space agency is still not sure exactly how Inca City formed. It could be that sand dunes have turned to stone over time. Perhaps material such as magma or sand is seeping through fractured sheets of Martian rock. Or, the ridges could be ‘eskers’, winding structures related to glaciers.

More about Mars: Mars Colonization: What decades of missions have revealed

Stem Cells— A Hallmark in the Treatment of Neurological Disorder


“Now science has presented us with a hope called stem cell research, which may provide our scientists with many answers that have for so long been beyond our grasp.” –Nancy Reagan

According to Dr. An, Ms. Lynn Bertrand was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, the same type of condition the physicist Stephen Hawking suffered) about 24 years ago. Lynn was miserably unable to walk, eat, and even sleep. She was taking medication, but all those treatments failed to treat her illness. Her family was told to be prepared for the worst of the situation.

Fortunately, somebody informed Lynn and her husband about an innovative method of treatment: Stem Cell Therapy. They agreed to this therapy. After two days of the first treatment, Lynn could walk with a walker’s help. Her body started regaining much of its functions like her vision was improved, her left arm started functioning, and her hair started regrowing. Lynn has become the foremost supporter of umbilical cord stem cell therapy to treat ALS-like neurological disorders. 

Neurological Disorders

Neurological disorders are related to the central and peripheral nervous system. They include epilepsy, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), migraine, thrombosis, and traumatic disorders. These disorders affect hundreds of millions of the World’s population. According to WHO, more than 6 million people die because of stroke each year. More than 50 million people are diagnosed with epilepsy and 47.5 million people with dementia globally. Alzheimer’s may contribute to 60-70 percent of dementia cases, and Migraine is more than 10 percent preventable worldwide.

Even with its complexity, the central nervous system is nevertheless intriguing and challenging to comprehend. Irreparable impairments, including physical and cognitive problems, can be caused by various conditions affecting it. Many bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections can affect the nervous system. The disease or an immune response to the infection may cause neurological disorders. 

Despite having some potential for endogenous regeneration, the adult brain cannot achieve complete recovery when it gets damaged. Moreover, pharmaceutical therapies for underlying disease processes may have limitations such as temporary efficacy, lack of full neurological recovery, or overwhelming cost. Therefore, therapeutic interventions are needed to address brain-related disorders. Over time, Stem cells have shown great potential in the treatment of various neurological disorders.

What are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are the undifferentiated cells that have the potential to develop into any specialized type of cell, e.g., muscle cells, blood cells, and brain cells. These cells keep on dividing over a long period. Stem cells are present in almost every human tissue and provide a renewal capacity to most of the organs. This ability makes them serve as the repair system for the body. 

Researchers and scientists are very interested in stem cells because they could be crucial in health and medical research and treat many diseases like skin burns, cancer, and neurological disorders.

Dr. Daniel Kota says: “We have reached a critical point in the history of stem cells that the only thing between us and a massive number of stem cell treatments are regulatory agencies such as the FDA, but the number of stem cell therapies is so overwhelming that some are just falling through the cracks.’’

What are clinical trial outcomes?

The potential utilization of stem cells for neurological conditions has been studied in clinical trials. Different types of stem cells, such as embryonic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, neural stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells, have been evaluated. In 2001, a double-blind, sham-controlled surgery was performed on Parkinson’s disease patients.

This surgery gave promising results, which encouraged researchers to continue clinical trials. Several other trials on different neurological conditions, such as Huntington’s disease, Epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease, are in progress. Moreover, stem cell-based therapies are getting more popular for traumatic central nervous system injury and stroke. A mesenchymal stem cell product has been cleared by Japanese authorities to treat spinal cord injuries.

What is the mechanism of Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy is based on repairing or replacing damaged neurons to prevent further degeneration. The localization of these cells stimulates the tissue repair and maintenance of the injured areas of the brain. When transplanted, stem cells move towards damaged areas of the brain due to the expression of chemokines and growth factors, where they differentiate into host tissue cells, replacing injured neural tissue.

SC secretes neuroprotective growth factors, increasing differentiation and maintenance of neural functions. Improvements in neural activity through therapeutic mechanisms have been demonstrated in animal studies. These cells have the potential to generate even new neurons. Different types of SCs are being applied to treat neurological disorders.

Neural Stem Cell therapy

Neural stem cells (NSC) would be the most logical and appropriate stem cell therapy for treating neurological conditions. However, an adult’s NSC cannot be harvested because it is present deep within the adult brain. Thus, they are acquired from the brain of the aborted fetus and are prepared for transplantation purposes. Due to this situation’s ethical and practical concerns, an alternative source of NSC is needed.

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells 

Professor Shinya Yamanaka (The 2012 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine) discovered that mature cells can be reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells. This understanding can be used to develop neural progenitor cells from induced pluripotent stem cells to be exploited for therapeutic purposes. 

SCT for different diseases

Transplantation of NSC in animal models improved dyskinesia (involuntary, erratic, writhing movements of the face, arms, legs, or trunk) in Parkinson’s, reduced lesions in Huntington’s disease (a condition that stops parts of the brain from working properly over time), reduced the lesion size in stroke (brain attack), improved learning memory in Alzheimer’s disease, and increased life span in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The use of NSC proved to be safe in human studies. Embryonic stem cells (ESC) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) have also shown a potential to restore brain functions and neuroprotection in Parkinson’s disease.

Challenges to SCT

 However, the implementation of stem cell therapy still faces challenges. It is essential to determine the type of stem cell used, the number of them administered, the route of administration, the optimal method, preconditioning, and the injection schedule. More research is also necessary to determine the long-term safety of stem cell treatment and the recipient’s age. Despite these concerns, stem cell therapy has great potential for treating neurological disorders. Further research and well-planned studies are needed to explore its potential fully.


  • Alessandrini, M., Preynat-Seauve, O., De Bruin, K., & Pepper, M. S. (2019). Stem cell therapy for neurological disorders. South African Medical Journal, 109(8 Supplement 1), S71-S78.
  • Hachimi-Idrissi, S. (2023). Stem cell therapy in neurological disorders: promises and concerns. Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy, 3, 346-362.
  • Hassan, A. U., Hassan, G., & Rasool, Z. (2009). Role of stem cells in treatment of neurological disorder. International journal of health sciences, 3(2), 227.
  • Jamali, F. A., & Dahbour, S. S. (2017). Stem Cell Therapies in Neurological Disorders. Advances in Stem Cell Therapy: Bench to Bedside, 31-59.
  • Rahman, M. M., Islam, M. R., Islam, M. T., Harun-Or-Rashid, M., Islam, M., Abdullah, S., … & Mostafa-Hedeab, G. (2022). Stem cell transplantation therapy and neurological disorders: current status and future perspectives. Biology, 11(1), 147.
  • Sakowski, S. A., & Chen, K. S. (2022). Stem cell therapy for central nervous system disorders: metabolic interactions between transplanted cells and local microenvironments. Neurobiology of disease, 173, 105842.
  • https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/case-lynn-bertrand-als-stem-cell-therapy-success-story-suhyun-an

Let’s heal the Earth to unleash the power of earning a better livelihood


Last week, the largest city, Dubai, was brought to a halt, with one of the worst rain events in decades flooding streets, homes, and highways. The heavy rains also halted air traffic, damaged buildings and streets — and left climate experts and common citizens asking whether one of the world’s hottest and driest cities should be better prepared for extreme storms.   

In March 2021, the coast of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, was hit by a disastrous flood. Sydney received 40 percent of its annual rainfall in that time period, flooding numerous households and displacing large masses. Around 29,000 damage claims were put forward by different insurance companies, owing to the extent of damage this vicious flooding had caused. Such natural disaster unveils the social and economic distress mankind is indulged in.

Earth is the only planet mankind can inhabit because nature has provided it with ample blessings: freshwater, fertile soil, vegetation, appropriate climate, glaciers, deserts, and much more. Exhausting these natural supplies and littering the earth is one of our greatest threats. It is paramount to realize the extent of damage we, humankind, have done to the earth. Restoring the earth to its original state seems plausible, but we can still aim to reduce the damage we are currently doing. Earth’s deterioration is combinatorial factor damage. Thus, to pace down the damage, we need to understand and be receptive to the mankind-induced factors that are vandalizing planet Earth. 

Human-derived factors that are destroying Earth:


Water, air, or land pollution is one of the most destructive issues for the earth. The accelerating rate by which we are polluting this planet is an eye-opener. Pollution at such alarming rates is imperiling our survival and affects the biodiversity of various species of animals. Ocean acidification, spillage of oil at shipping ports, industrial and domestic waste discharge into water bodies, and the release of harmful gases (Sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide) all impair the quality of life on Earth. This further gives birth to infinite waterborne or airborne diseases, such as cholera, lung and respiratory diseases, etc.

Earth Day 2024
The accelerating rate by which we are polluting this planet is an eye-opener.

One of the recent episodes of pollution has brought long-term damage to it. 20,000 tons of diesel leakage in a river in Russia after a storage tank collapsed is one of the biggest man-induced damages done in 2020. The oil flowed into the Ambarnaya River, covering a 7.5-mile area. The oil also contaminated the Daldykan River. According to the former deputy chief of Russian environmental watchdog Rosprirodnadzor, Oleg Mitvol, the entire cleanup process will cost $1.5 billion and span around 10 years. This spillage is a potent threat to marine life. 

Land-use change

Another major concern for humanity is deforestation. With the increased demand for clear land for different activities, forests are being cleared faster. Lack of forest cover is one of the root causes of other issues, such as loss of soil fertility, fluctuations in the water cycle, and habitat destruction, to name a few. Forest fires further add to the unproductivity of land. Destruction of natural landscapes and ecosystems is another outcome of human activities such as mining, fishing, etc. The land that provides us with food and a cover is collapsing in the blink of an eye. 

The deforestation rate in Pakistan is accelerating between 0.2% to 0.5 % per annum, the highest worldwide, contributing to a 4% to 6% decline in its wood biomass per annum. Assessing a research report, Justice Jawad Hasan (Pakistan) observed that the natural forest cover had declined from 3.59 million hectares to 3.32m hectares at an average rate of 27,000 hectares annually. This deterioration will exploit nature to alarming levels.

The exploitation of natural resources

Humans have been exploiting the earth’s natural resources to produce products for their survival. This practice has been carried out for decades. However, over-exploitation and overuse of natural resources are depleting them quicker than usual. Overfishing, excessive deforestation, and abundant extraction of non-renewable raw materials such as coal, gypsum, and natural gas are disturbing nature’s balance. Our hunger for the accessibility of these resources has masked the potential damage these practices are bringing forth.  

earthday 2024
Humans have been exploiting the earth’s natural resources to produce products for their survival.

Our dependence on non-renewable energy sources is so pronounced that it is polluting the environment to a much greater extent. Groundwater extraction and solid waste dumping have lowered the water table. It has led the land to become waterlogged and saline, making it unfit to be used for agricultural activities. Barren land means no food supplies, which leads to starvation.

Genetic advancement

As exciting as these terms sound, genetic modifications and research have an underlying dark side to them. Tampering with the natural human genome, introducing or eliminating specific genes, and adding or omitting various physical traits according to human needs are disturbing natural phenomena. Genetic modifications have resulted in the introduction of non-native species of animals and a new variety of crop plants, all modified to the demands of mankind.  

Reaping benefits for our survival, also called “advancement,” actually reduces our chances of survival. Genetically modified organisms and transgenic organisms disrupt the germline. They can pose much stronger natural selection phenomena, with increased competition leading to the extinction of rare species, all of which affect biodiversity on planet Earth.


With the global population exceeding 7.9 billion, overconsumption of resources and a shrinking planet is no surprise. The birth rate graph shows that it is rising exponentially. A larger population requires more land, resources, and infrastructure. This is an added burden on Earth as it exceeds the Earth’s capacity to support life. With an increasing population to feed, more land is needed to practice modern agricultural techniques to meet the increasing demand for food. Moreover, the consumption of non-renewable energy resources in industries and transport has also heightened, further sinking the quality of life on Earth and polluting the environment.

According to the Global Outlook for Water Resources to the Year 2025, it is estimated that by 2025, more than half of the world population will face water crises, and human water demand will contribute to 70 percent of all available freshwater. According to a Harvard study, “Over the next forty years, nearly all (97 percent) of the 2.3 billion projected increase will be in the less developed regions, with nearly half (49 percent) in Africa.


Automation and the Industrial Revolution depict numerous advantages to humankind that can confer more damaging consequences for the earth. The production of efficient and user-friendly means of transport, such as cars, airplanes, buses, and ships, is one of the major sources of pollution. The release of toxic gases from these means of transport pollutes the air we breathe and is harmful to the human body. This also brings several associated health-related risks and diseases, such as chronic lung infections, asthma, allergies, etc.

The use of coal dates back to the time of the Industrial Revolution. The black smoke/carbon released is again a threat to plants, polluting water bodies and land.

Automation and the industrial revolution depict numerous advantages to humankind that can confer more damaging consequences for the earth
Automation and the Industrial Revolution depict numerous advantages to humankind that can confer more damaging consequences for the earth

Furthermore, the production of plastics (non-degradable), cleaning agents, pesticides and insecticides, and pharmaceuticals is degrading this planet. Lead and other additives used in the production of paints lead to several environmental concerns. Similarly, the cleaning agents can be bio-active with a range of consequences, including health-associated risks. Pesticides and Insecticides, though used for crop production, can prove to be fatal. They are drained off into streams and lakes, causing eutrophication that kills the underwater living organisms.

Land contamination, particularly lead-associated land contamination, is a major drawback of industrialization. Landscape damage, ecosystem disturbance, and biodiversity reduction are some of the many drawbacks of industrialization.

Global warming

Global warming is escalating at an unprecedented rate. The increase means the daily temperature can potentially transition the climate of the entire world for the worse. Depleting the ozone layer due to releasing toxic and harmful substances into the environment further adds to higher daily temperatures. With no cloud cover to protect us from harmful UV radiation, we destroy the planet with our own hands. Cancers, especially skin cancer, are prevalent due to exposure to direct UV radiation. 

The ever-rising temperatures mean more evaporation of water from water bodies, more transpiration in plants, and distortion in the normal water cycle. Less condensation takes place, which leads to less precipitation. High temperatures mean that the frozen water bodies, such as glaciers and snow-covered areas, are melting faster. This leads to floods, which devastates large communities and socio-economic setups. Animals such as polar bears, accustomed to living in lower temperatures, must migrate. Lack of food availability, changes in seasonal rainfall patterns, and dry, polluted air are all the unknowable problems we face.

According to the National Climate Assessment, human causes are the biggest reason for global warming. The harmful pollutants released into the environment act as a cushion that absorbs the Ultraviolet rays and makes the planet warm. Such climatic shifts can jeopardize our chances of survival and potentially make the earth a non-habitable place, just like the other solar system planets.

To ensure a healthy lifestyle for present and future generations, to ensure Earth remains an inhabitable planet, and to validate a supreme quality of life on this planet, we must change our practices, implement environmentally friendly procedures, reduce population rates, and prevent the exhaustion of resources.


Healthy diets increase the economic and physical feasibility of 1.5°C

A global shift to a healthier, more sustainable diet could be a huge lever to limit global warming to 1.5°C, researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) find. The resulting reduction of greenhouse gas emissions would increase the available carbon budget compatible with limiting global warming to 1.5°C and allow us to achieve the same climate outcome with less carbon dioxide removal and less stringent CO2 emissions reductions in the energy system. This would also reduce emission prices, energy prices, and food expenditures.   

“We find that a more sustainable, flexitarian diet increases the feasibility of the Paris Agreement climate goals in different ways,” says Florian Humpenöder, PIK scientist and co-lead author of the study published in Science Advances. “The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions related to dietary shifts, especially methane from ruminant animals raised for their meat and milk, would allow us to extend our current global CO2 budget of 500 gigatons by 125 gigatons and still stay within the limits of 1.5°C with a 50 percent chance,” he adds.

Putting a price on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the energy and land system is an important policy instrument to stay within the limits of 1.5°C warming. “Our results show that compared to continued dietary trends, a more sustainable diet not only reduces impacts from food production within the land system, such as deforestation and nitrogen losses. It also reduces GHG emissions from the land system to such an extent that it cuts economy-wide 1.5°C-compatible GHG prices in 2050 by 43 percent,” explains co-lead author Alexander Popp, leader of the working group land-use management at PIK. “Moreover, healthy diets would also reduce our dependency on carbon dioxide removal in 2050 by 39 percent,” he adds.  

A Flexitarian diet could make a marked difference in the feasibility of the 1.5°C target

Up to now, existing literature has not allowed the single-out contribution of dietary shifts for the feasibility of the 1.5°C limit. In the new study, PIK scientists investigated how dietary shifts would contribute towards the feasibility of 1.5°C transformation pathways relative to a scenario without dietary shifts. The researchers used the open-source Integrated Assessment Modelling framework REMIND-MAgPIE to simulate 1.5°C pathways, including dietary shifts towards the EAT-Lancet Planetary Health Diet by 2050 in all world regions.

“The EAT-Lancet Planetary Health Diet is a flexitarian diet predominantly featuring a wide variety of plant-based foods, a marked reduction of livestock products, especially in high- and middle-income regions, and restricted intake of added sugars, among other things,” says co-author Isabelle Weindl from PIK.

However, considerable challenges are yet to be addressed: Decision-making in food policy is often dispersed across different institutions and ministries, hindering the implementation of coherent policies supporting healthy diets. Moreover, the authors state that social inclusion and compensation schemes are central to a just transition to healthy diets.

„The results indicate that a shift in our diets could make a considerable difference if we do not want to crash through the 1.5°C limit in the next 10 to 15 years. This calls for globally concerted efforts to support the transition towards sustainable healthy diets,” concludes Johan Rockström, PIK director and co-author of the study.

The original link to study:https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adj3832

Total Solar Eclipse of 2024: What’s so special about it?

On 8th April 2024, over many parts of the United States, Mexico, and Canada, a total solar eclipse will occur that will be different than the rest of the partial eclipses from the last seven years.

First, what is the difference between partial and total eclipses, and why should they be observed? Let’s dive into essential Solar Physics!

Solar Eclipse: A rare celestial alignment of the Sun and Moon

Solar eclipse is a phenomenon in which the Moon comes in between the Earth and Sun from the Earth’s point of view. This occurs in some parts of the world at a time. Only a fraction of the Sun is hidden behind the Moon when a partial solar eclipse occurs. In a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun.

Sun mathematics of total solar eclipse

The distance between the Earth and the Sun is four hundred times that between Earth and Moon. Also, the Sun is four hundred times wider than the Moon. Because of this, the Sun and Moon look the same size when seen from the Earth.

When a total solar eclipse occurs, the Moon completely hides the Sun. However, there is something else behind this mathematics. The diameter of the Moon and Sun is not precisely 1/400 by ratio; the Moon is slightly smaller than the Sun.

A total solar eclipse occurs when the Sun is slightly visible behind the Moon as a “Ring of Fire”. Besides being a treat to the sight, this so-called ring of fire is significant in studying Sun’s corona (Sun’s outermost layer).

A visual depiction of how a total solar eclipse works. Credit: Business Insider
A visual depiction of how a total solar eclipse works. Credit: Business Insider

Studying Sun through its Corona

The Sun is made up of the fusion of Helium and Hydrogen gases. This, in turn, creates a plasma, which is the current of charged particles that escape the atom and are in constant motion concerning each other. The Sun’s outermost layer is what we call the “corona.” This layer contains a considerable amount of plasma, which is under the consideration of many scientists and researchers worldwide who want to study the behavior and effect of the Sun units’ plasma on Earth.

When total solar eclipses occur, it benefits scientists to closely observe the Sun’s corona because that is when only the corona is visible on the Earth.

The Sun’s outermost layer is what we call the “corona.” Credit: theconversation.com
The Sun’sSun’srmost layer is what we call the “corona.” Credit: theconversation.com

Solar observatories or telescopes

Many observatories worldwide study the Sun’s plasma physics with the help of advanced solar telescopes that aim to provide accurate data of Sun’s activities throughout the year. Although they work the whole year, the best they can perform yearly is when there is a total solar eclipse. It is a massive opportunity for scientific enthusiasts to observe the Sun’s corona more accurately. At the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), NASA previously provided a lot of data on solar activity throughout each solar cycle.

What is a solar cycle?

The Sun completes its solar cycle every 11 years. So far, 24 solar cycles have been completed. The record-keeping began in 1755. Currently, we are in the 25th solar cycle. The solar cycle is the period in which we calculate every activity of the Sun. From Sunspot numbers (dark spots on the Sun cooler temperatures) to solar wind activity (constant streams of charged particles and magnetic fields), this is calculated for a complete eleven years.

Throughout these eleven years of the cycle, the Sun has some years when its activity is less than average. This is known as “solar minimum”. And when the Sun’s activity is recorded higher than average, it is known as “solar maximum”. Solar maximum is the time when it is very beneficial for us to observe and study the Sun precisely. As of 2024, this is the year of solar maximum for the 25th solar cycle.

Total solar eclipse in 2017

The last total solar eclipse that occurred was in 2017, August 21. It happened in many states of the U.S., throwing a shadow of the Moon. If we talk about solar eclipses in Pakistan, the following data could be considered:

Solar eclipses in Pakistan

The partial solar eclipse was observed in Pakistan on 26 December 2019. This was the last solar eclipse of that year. Another partial solar eclipse happened on June 21, 2020. The previous observed solar eclipse in Pakistan was on 26 October 2022, which was also partial, with almost 40% coverage of the Sun; it lasted for around two hours.

Why are total solar eclipses so important to scientists?

Only its corona is visible when the Moon completely hides the Sun, which helps scientists study its sphere more clearly. This corona is otherwise too difficult to see because of the brightness of the Sun. Sun sun’sSun’sna is crucial in studying solar physics because it contains all the essential elements necessary to understand the Sun. Sun plasma constantly ejaculates from the Sun through solar flares and solar winds situated in the corona, which then comes to Earth, interacts with Earth’s magnetic field, and creates geomagnetic storms. These storms can be predicted if we study corona more carefully.

Why is the 2024 total solar eclipse important, and how is it different from the 2017 total solar eclipse?

This year’s total solar eclipse is different from the last total solar eclipse in 2017 in two ways. First, in 2017, the Moon was a bit farther from Earth than in 2024, meaning the eclipse will be longer.

Second, on April 8, 2024, the Sun be at its maximum activity, known as solar maximum. Massive eruptions, like Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), could be visible this year.

“If we get lucky, a CME will present itself as a twisted, spiral-like structure, high in the atmosphere in the sun,” Ryan French, a solar physicist at the National Solar Observatory in Boulder, Colorado, told Space.com.

CMEs are plasma and Sun’s magnetic field combined. According to the French, solar flares would also be visible. Solar flares are bursts of radio waves, gamma rays, x-rays, and visible rays from the Sun.

The April 2024 Eclipse

The eclipse will be visible in many U.S. regions, some parts of Mexico and Canada. It will begin from Mexico’s Pacific coast around 11:07 am PDT (11:07 pm PST). Other parts of the world, including Pakistan, will not be able to experience this eclipse, but still they can observe it live virtually from the following link by NASA:

Also, the following map illustrates the locations that will experience the total solar eclipse.

Map showing the path of the solar eclipse. Credit: greatamericaneclipse.com
Map showing the path of the solar eclipse. Credit: greatamericaneclipse.com

Next Total Solar Eclipse

The next total solar eclipse will occur on 12 August 2026. It will be visible to most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, including Russia, Canada, Greenland, and the U.S. A partial solar eclipse will be visible in Pakistan on 2 August 2027. It would start at around 1500 hours (PST) and end at 1600 hours. The maximum eclipse will be observed in Karachi with 29.5% obscuration.

For details, check https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/pakistan?iso=20270802.

Although this year’s total eclipse of the Sun will not be visible to Pakistan and many other parts of the world, it is still a massive opportunity for researchers residing in the U.S. and its nearby countries to observe and study it.


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A Nobel Laureate’s Noble gesture for his Teacher


Dr. Abdus Salam was a Pakistani theoretical physicist who, in 1979, shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with US physicists Steven Weinberg and Sheldon Glashow for their groundbreaking research on the “electroweak unification theory.” Dr. Salam is the first Pakistani scientist to win the honorable Nobel Physics Prize.

Noble laureate Dr Abdus Salam
Noble laureate Dr Abdus Salam

From early on, Salam’s intelligence was visible; at the age of 14, he earned the highest marks in the Matriculation Examinations ever recorded during his time at the University of Punjab. Therefore, he was offered a scholarship by Government College Lahore in 1940 when he was 16. Salam’s humble upbringing was such that upon entering Lahore, a larger, more urbanized city, he saw an electric lightbulb for the first time in his life.

Three years later, In 1943, he published a scientific paper titled “A Problem of Ramanujan,” in which he solved a mathematical problem attempted by Ramanujan, who was considered a genius and prodigy in the realm of mathematics at that time, making this accomplishment quite a feat

Soon, his interest in Physics became evident, and he earned his Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Physics in two years, contrary to the three-year standard. He then completed his Ph.D. in theoretical physics at Cambridge, receiving a scholarship to attend the university. Soon, his interest in Physics became evident, and he earned his Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Physics in two years, which was contrary to the standard of three years. He then completed his Ph.D. in theoretical physics at Cambridge, receiving a scholarship to attend the university.

Dr. Abdus Salam received the Nobel Prize for Physics, shared with Steven Weinberg and Sheldon Glashow in 1979 “for their contribution to the theory of the unified weak and electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles, including the prediction of the weak neutral current”. Though all of them shared the Nobel Prize, each independently researched this topic. Dr. Abdus Salam conducted this research in the 1960s at the Imperial College of Science and Technology.

Dr Salam gesturing his mathematics teacher, Professor Anilendra Ganguly
Dr Salam gesturing his mathematics teacher, Professor Anilendra Ganguly.

A Noble Gesture

After winning the Nobel Prize in 1979, Dr. Abdus Salam requested the Indian government to find Professor Anilendra Ganguly, who had taught him mathematics in the pre-partition era at the Sanatan Dharma College in Lahore.

He had to wait for two years to meet his teacher and finally came to India on 19 January 1981 to pay his respects to Prof. Ganguly, who had shifted to Kolkata after the independence.

Prof. Ganguly was feeble and unable to even sit up and greet him when Dr. Salam visited him at his house. Dr. Salam took his Nobel medal and said ‘Sir, this medal is a result of your teaching and love of mathematics that you instilled in me.”

He then put the medal around his teacher’s neck and said, “This is your prize, Sir. It’s not mine.”

Noble moments; Professor Anilendra Ganguly hugs his student, Dr. Salam after he put his Nobel Prize medal around his neck.
Noble moments: Professor Anilendra Ganguly hugs his student, Dr. Salam, after he puts his Nobel Prize medal around his neck.

The gesture for his teacher by the Pakistani scientist was truly defying the barriers of nations and religions that had grown after the partition. It was the ultimate tribute to a teacher that went far beyond the borders of the nations.

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Meta fails to screen anti-trans hate content on its platforms


recent report by GLAAD reveals the anti-trans content across Meta’s platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Threads, are outnumbered. According to GLAAD, Meta has failed to adequately moderate extreme anti-trans hate, as evidenced by the continued presence of posts promoting harmful practices like conversion therapy, mass killing of transgender people, and derogatory slurs. 

Content like this often leads to mass harassment, with victims subjected to online abuse and real-life violence, as explained by GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis in a press release.

The report highlights that much of the anti-trans content violates multiple community standards, particularly Hate Speech, on Meta’s platforms and is often originally posted from high-follower accounts profiting from spreading hateful anti-LGBTQ narratives. 

These fear-mongering posts containing lies, conspiracy theories, and violent rhetoric drive engagement and revenue for both account owners and Meta, raising ethical concerns about the platform’s role in accelerating hate speech.

GLAAD’s report also raises concerns about the effectiveness of current content moderation practices and the accountability of social media platforms in combating hateful narratives.  

Despite calls from LGBTQ celebrities, public figures, and allies for more protection against anti-trans hate in an open letter in June 2023, Meta’s platforms continue to serve as breeding grounds for harmful content, highlighting systemic failures in addressing online extremism.

These findings stress the urgent need for social media companies like Meta to take concrete action against online hate speech targeting marginalized communities – particularly when they are scaling down their misinformation and hate speech moderation teams. 

The bulk of anti-trans content not only violates Meta’s community standards but also eternalizes harmful stereotypes and contributes to violence against transgender individuals.

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“10 Must Knows” as a Guide to Preserving Biodiversity


From as-yet-undiscovered biodiversity to resilient forests and the impact of food consumption on nature, 64 experts have now published their knowledge and recommendations in the form of 10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science” for 2024. The Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity’s new report provides policymakers and society with concrete ways to effectively conserve and sustainably use biodiversity at the local, national, and European levels and thereby also mitigate climate change. With this publication, the researchers contribute current scientific facts to the debate on the German National Biodiversity Strategy, which is to be adopted before the next United Nations Biodiversity Conference in autumn 2024.

“We are already exceeding planetary boundaries in terms of global warming and biodiversity loss. Joint responses are needed to counter these crises. We know that preserving biodiversity can significantly contribute to mitigating climate change, for example, through biodiverse forests and rewetted peatlands that can act as carbon sinks. Only by focusing on measures to protect biodiversity can we succeed in tackling both crises at the same time,” says Kirsten Thonicke, lead author and Deputy Head of the Research Department “Earth System Analysis” at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), who coordinates the research network.

Following the great response to the “10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science,” first published in 2022, scientists from a total of 52 German and international research institutions have now contributed their expertise from the environmental, life, spatial, social, humanities, and economic sciences to the new version. “Our recommendations summarise the research available today for decision-makers. The Must-Knows are intended to provide guidance on how to implement the globally agreed biodiversity targets in the German context,” says author Sibylle Schroer from the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB).

“This also includes the awareness that we only understand a relatively small part of biodiversity so far. Recognizing this fact is a crucial step towards more sustainable environmental policies. These policies should focus on ecosystem-based habitat management – and thus the functions and interactions between species and habitats, rather than just individual species and habitats.”

Concentrated Biodiversity knowledge from 64 experts across all disciplines

To implement the 23 global biodiversity targets agreed by United Nations member states at the UN Biodiversity Conference in December 2022 (COP 15), the German National Biodiversity Strategy 2030 is currently being developed. The strategy aims to preserve and protect biodiversity in Germany. In order to provide up-to-date facts from the scientific community, the first version of the “10 Must Knows” from 2022 was expanded to include numerous aspects and brought up to date with the help of current literature.

The new report addresses, among other things, how the impact of food consumption on biodiversity can be reduced in concrete terms: “Understanding and using biodiversity as a crucial production factor can help to stabilize yields, enhance agricultural resilience, and turn us all into biodiversity managers, whether we are producers or consumers,” says author Jens Freitag from the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK). The authors offer practical suggestions for policymakers and provide citizens with specific options for taking action in society.

The BMBF Research Initiative for the Conservation of Biodiversity (FEdA) and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig collaborated on the project. The “10 Must Knows” were commented on by experts from politics, administration, science, and associations before publication.

Biodiversity conservation and health policy should be linked across sectors because an intact natural environment also promotes physical and mental health. Credits: Unsplash
Biodiversity conservation and health policy should be linked across sectors because an intact natural environment also promotes physical and mental health. Credits: Unsplash

The “10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science 2024”

1. Achieving climate and biodiversity protection together
2. Enabling a healthy life on a healthy planet
3. Considering undiscovered biodiversity
4. Linking linguistic, cultural, and biological diversity
5. Harmonising the diverse use of forest ecosystems and biodiversity conservation
6. Transforming agricultural and food systems
7. Protecting land and resources
8. Releasing transformative change through international collaboration and Education for Sustainable Development
9. Ensuring free access and open use of biodiversity-related data
10. Reducing biodiversity impacts from food consumption

Scientists who contributed to the “10 Must Knows from Biodiversity Science”

A healthy planet is pivotal for our human health. Biodiversity conservation and health policy should be linked across sectors because an intact natural environment also promotes physical and mental health. We need a joint global action plan for biodiversity and health. Locally, cities and municipalities should actively work to protect and restore nature, including urban nature, as it positively impacts health and social well-being. – Aletta Bonn, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Friedrich Schiller University Jena and German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig

National and international agreements on the protection of biodiversity require concrete numbers to implement, assess, and reward conservation measures. Research can only supply those numbers if biodiversity-related data, such as digital sequence information, are freely accessible, openly usable, standardized, and sustainably archived across national borders. – Christiane Hassenrück, IÖR

We should adapt our management practices and spatial planning to reconcile the diverse use of forest ecosystems with biodiversity conservation. This will enable us to counter the increasing negative impacts of climate change in forests while resolving trade-offs between competing forest-related policy objectives. – Mats Nieberg, PIK and European Forest Institute (EFI)

Diverse forests and forest structures are the basis for sustainable forest management and are of central importance to ensure forest ecosystem services under climate change. – Christopher P.O. Reyer, PIK

Currently, around 60 hectares of new settlements and transport areas are allocated in Germany every day. This means that the German government’s land-saving targets are becoming a distant prospect. Soils can no longer carry out their basic functions, their ecosystem services are being lost, and habitats are disappearing. The protection, development, and restoration of biodiversity must be given central consideration at all political and planning levels. This applies to international projects as well as to regional and municipal planning. –  Barbara Warner, Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL)

Spatial and landscape planning can deliver valuable concepts for the wider protection and restoration of habitats for plants and animals. These concepts must be implemented consistently and backed up with financial resources. Higher priority must be given to biodiversity protection and the development of habitats in spatial planning decisions on land use. – Wolfgang Wende, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development

Halting the loss of biodiversity requires comprehensive and swift measures involving various economic and environmental sectors, tackled with great vigor. – Bernd Hansjürgens, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)

The Earth’s true wealth lies in its immeasurable biological diversity. But it seems we humans are too short-tempered and short-sighted to handle this treasure with care. Many know the stock market better than nature’s portfolio of species. It is time to make biodiversity education a goal for all of us – for a biodiversity-friendly world of tomorrow. – Christoph Scherber, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB)

“10 Must Knows” (PDF)

Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity: https://www.leibniz-biodiversitaet.de/en