This deficit in the supply and demand chain results in adjusting the 22000 MG electricity according to a consumer need of 25000MG, hence giving rise to load shedding.
The Hingol national park, Hazar Ganji, and Chiltan national parks in Balochistan provide a safe habitat to several endangered species of flora and fauna.
The wars of 1965 and 1971 both taught Pakistan some precious lessons. The deterrence then possessed was not enough to scare off an enemy three times larger in military might.
Pakistan has minimal water storage capacity compared to Indian dams that can save a maximum of 220 days of water, and the U.S. or Australian Dam can save quite 900 Days of storage capacity.
Syed Muneeb Ali, a student of Physics at Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Lahore, has collaborated with a renowned planetary scientist, Dr. Nozair...