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Sunday, March 9, 2025

OPINIONS: Fearful of COVID19? “NO”

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As per available statistics, the current coronavirus disease, COVID19, has been called a once-in-a-century pandemic. But it may also be a once-in-a-century evidence fiasco. Better information is needed to guide decisions and actions of monumental significance and to monitor the impact of this pandemic. For this, we need to know about the opinions of the people and their understanding regarding COVID19. Here are some questions we asked:

  1. How fearful are you of COVID19, and what do you think we need to learn most about the virus and this pandemic?
  2. How severe is the pandemic, and what should be done to avoid it?
  3. What do phrases like “community spread” and “social distancing” mean?
  4. What do you think about how long the situation prevails?
  5. Whether or not this pandemic makes any change in our lives shortly?

We got an overwhelming response, and a lot of people provided us feedback. A few of these opinions are presenting here.

Mohammad Azeem, Computer engineer, Bank of Punjab

  1. Well, I am not fearful as death is a reality no one can deny. I am taking preventive measures to the best of my ability, and that is what everyone should do at least. The awareness needs to be spread to the general public on how viruses spread and how important it is to contain them from further spread. Hard times call for hard decisions to be taken, and this is a hard time. Nothing is more important than life, and people need to understand it.
  2. Once declared a pandemic, everything is super serious about it. For any viral disease in general and new viruses, especially where not much information is available about the virus, the most crucial part is to stop the further spread of COVID19 which is only possible by isolation. Since no cure has been discovered yet, the only option at the moment is to avoid getting infected with it. People need to behave responsibly. This is not for one’s safety, it is about saving others. Maybe a young carrier can survive, but he further infecting an elderly can claim his life. 
  3. Community spread and social distancing are cause and remedy pair. A single carrier can transmit the virus to a whole family or even a city. The physical interactions need to be stopped immediately to help save others the possible infection. Isolation and self-quarantine are the best options at the moment. If you and your family are safe, you will remain safe as long as you maintain social distance from the rest.
  4. The longevity of a situation depends on how long the situation prevails and how we respond. The sooner the virus is contained, and further spread is put to an end, we will be able to move one step forward. However, till containment across borders and final results of all active cases (complete recovery or death), the social distancing should be considered.
  5. On an individual level, people will learn some hard lessons as well as will learn how to respond to a pandemic effectively. As a nation, not much of an effect will be seen as such the viruses outbreak once in a blue moon. Since chances of another spread during a single government tenure are negligible, higher-ups won’t bother getting ready for another hit.
The further spread of COVID19 can be only controlled by by isolation.
The further spread of COVID19 can be only controlled by by isolation.

Mohammad Hassan Qazi, Student and co-founder Rah e Qamar.

I believe scientists have learned a lot about this virus. The only thing they need to work more rapidly is the cure and vaccine.

It is very severe because it is highly contagious. More awareness is required to avoid its spread. Community spread and social distancing mean avoiding social interactions that lead to the rapid spread of viruses. Avoiding Physical contact, social gatherings of people and limited outdoor activity prevent community spread of contagious illnesses.

The range of the virus is highly likely to slow down in summer. But until a vaccine is developed, this virus can resurge in the next Spring and Winter as well. This pandemic has already changed our lives, and more changes will be followed. Paper currency will become extinct as a rise in mass surveillance will happen. Social interactions will further minimize, resulting in complex human behavior, depression will rise, and there will be far-reaching effects on the mental health of young generations of the present and future.

Tahreem Habib from Mandra. A Biochemistry student at Quaid e Azam University Islamabad

  1. Anything which is in excess is always harmful, and similarly, this COVID19 pandemic has done. The rate at which it spreads and transmits is beyond what we ever thought, so its fear is palpable. And with each passing minute and the increasing number of patients, anxiety increases. What we need to learn from this pandemic is that health is more critical than luxuries. Also, cleanliness is an integral part of one’s life and health, and we need to understand that we should follow the instructions being provided by healthcare providers and authorities.
  2. The number can see the severity of the pandemic of cases that are increasing by each passing day. However, I hope it will not be as lethal as the pandemics in history. Mode of transmission of virus most likely is aerosols or human contact, so most importantly, we need to avoid human contact as much as possible, we also need to maintain hygienic conditions, practice social distancing and follow the instructions. As this virus is novel and there is not much known about it and no currently available vaccine. So, we should take precautionary measures as much as possible and also need to work more on it; its origin, structure, vaccine so we can control it.
  3. Community spread means the virus spreads through one human contracting another. This contract could be hand touched to aerosols produced from coughing, sneezing. 
  4. As the incubation period of illness is 2-14 days and within these days if an infected person contacts any other it transmits from one to separate, and so on. Social distancing means avoiding social contacts, going out, avoid crowded places, gatherings, etc. to avoid human contact and hence minimize the risk of transmission. 
  5. Currently, there is no idea how long this situation will continue. Things are getting worse, and everyone knows it.
  6. It is before time to speak about whether it will change our lives or not. Let time prevail, what will be its consequences and how it will affect.

Asim Ahmad from Hyderabad. A Biochemist is studying at QAU

  1. Covid-19 has dramatically impacted the whole world with its infection, so one must need to be cautious and fearful about the severity of this pandemic. I would prefer to rely on the most authentic and genuine information and statistics provided by Government officials or WHO. Their preventive measures like Social distancing and Hand-washing should be followed strictly.
  2. As this virus is spreading very fast and affecting all ages, so one should take it seriously. The best way to overcome this pandemic is prevention via Social Distancing and Personal hygiene like Hand washing.
  3. Community spread refers to the potential of COVID19 spread among the population via contact like a handshake, touching infected surfaces, etc. as it is a zoonotic disease. However, Social Distancing refers to avoiding the spread of this virus by avoiding crowded places and social gatherings. One who is infected or has symptoms should self isolate himself/herself to prevent further spread of it.
  4. I don’t have an exact estimate about how long this pandemic will prevail, but yes, if precautionary measures will be strictly followed as did by China, it will stay no longer than 2-3 months.
  5. This pandemic will reshape the future economic policies of Pakistan. It will also give people awareness about how basic hygiene can make us safe ourselves from this pandemic. It will also affect socially, mentally, and behaviorally to all people around the world.
China has been very successful in controlling the COVID19 crisis. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu)
China has been very successful in controlling the COVID19 crisis. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu)

Owais Siddiqui, Islamabad Economic Expert

  1. I am Fearful of family and evil in society as a whole, we reflect in desperate times. I learned that we never learned from mistakes.
  2. very severe, I suggest locked down with area wise curfew relaxation.
  3. community spread is unstoppable. Social distancing means slowing the rate of spread.
  4. Till some substantial scientific treatment based on evidence is established.
  5. It will change our lifestyle completely.

Ilsa Tariq from Jhelum. F.sc Student. 

  1. I am very petrified of this virus and want everyone to stay in their homes and go for the precautions 
  2. It is very severe, we should listen to our government and do the precautionary measures
  3. The Social distancing has become compulsory to avoid this virus as this virus can be avoided by creating social distance
  4. I have no idea that how long the situation prevails, but I pray that it secures rapidly and all the humans stay safe Ameen 
  5. Yes, this pandemic makes a lot of change. All the wrong things have been closed, the bars, people started covering themselves, everyone is scared of eating bad food, the eating of haram animals has been finished. Hope this thing stays forever, and everyone stops eating these kinds of haram animals

Ayesha Sadiqa from Jhelum. A Commerce Student. 

  1. I’m terrified because it not only kills a person, also it’s not allowed to touch or come near the body of the deceased. As far as I know, this virus is caused by animals, and there’s no vaccine available for its cure. Its symptoms include a continuous dry cough and high temperature, especially on chest and back.
  2. The condition is very severe, and it said that Corona is spreading from person to person. When people infected with the virus come in direct contact with non-infected people, it is a possibility that they can infect them through coughing and sneezing. To avoid it, it is advised to people with symptoms to stay in self-isolation for 14 days, along with the people living with them at their home.
  3. Community spread means the spread of contagious disease within the community, and social distancing means not getting in direct contact with other people to avoid getting any infectious disease.
  4. The situation is pretty tricky, and it can last for long. But as much as I know that this virus Corona cannot survive at high temperature, it’ll be gone soon, especially from our region where the temperature is going to get high very soon.
  5. To improve the situation faster, people should avoid direct contact with each other, they should use a mask, hand sanitizers, and they should not touch their face, nose, and mouth more often. Yeah, inevitably, this pandemic will severely affect the future and will stay the highlight of the year 2020. It’ll affect business, work, and politics all over the world.

Shehryar Dar from Jhelum. A Businessman. 

  1. I was at first not scared at all and took it very lightly, but later when I got to see the graph of an increasing number of victims in Pakistan, and it was more speedy than Italy, I got terrified, and I am right now. It’s horrible that we just have 2500 ventilators, and our population is 22 crore.
  2. It is so horrible if it gets severe. And it’s the most critical condition. Ventilator becomes a must, and no ventilator means death.
  3. To avoid it the best solution is to stay home and avoid social contact as much as possible This is what China did.
  4. Social or physical distancing means stay far from people, Not shaking hands and not getting closer.
  5. It will stay much longer because no vaccine is still found.

Ata Khan is a non-resident Pakistani entrepreneur presently living in Thailand.

  1. Well, not fearful but worried; for family, neighbors, countrymen, and other humans around the globe.
  2. As a commoner, there’s nothing practically much to be offered. But, physical, not social, distance, and spreading awareness among less educated and more vulnerable.
  3. These terms do sound and will take time to come to terms fully. But, we must keep a distance in solidarity.
  4. After the Chinese’ successful war on the horror of COVID19, the light across the tunnel is quite vivid.
  5. Yes, of course. It is a reminder/ Munzer ( مُنذر) for us to love and take care of our near and dear ones more.

Also, Read Why do we need to talk about mental health

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