26.7 C
Friday, September 27, 2024
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Climate variability and oceans

At the moment, a primary concern of marine biologists is that the basic chemistry of oceans is altering faster than over the past 65 million years.

Pakistan’s Maritime Department: A promising future for the country

There is a need to develop a link between fisheries policy, environment agency set protocols, and all maritime activities.  

Threats to Whales and their Habitat

Contamination of oceans is a major risk to the habitat of whales and marine ecosystem.

Significance of Marine Biology in the Modern Era

Approximately 70% of the protein humans consume comes from marine life.

Fortuitous Discovery: World’s Biggest Shark is not Carnivorous

In Australia's Institute of Marine Science, experts claimed to have proved that sharks were omnivorous rather than pure carnivorous.

The Pharmaceutical Treasures of Marine Ecosystem

The marine environment comprises more unexplored biodiversity than terrestrial habitats, which is why it has become a hot topic.

Respecting Marine Life: A Conversation with Dr. Shoaib Kiani

Marine Turtles have been present on the face of our planet ever since the presence of dinosaurs in the Jurassic period.

Science, Technology and Oceans

The rapid development in oceanography leads us to a better understanding of marine biology.

“Fishing is not enough to survive”: Coral bleaching hurts jobs in Pakistan

These corals are now under stress in Astola Island and Churna Island, where the threat of extinction is prevalent.

Tidal Power: A Sustainable Source of Energy

The impacts of tidal energy systems on the environment and society need to be fixed for reviving tidal power.

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