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Super worm equinox Moon


A bunch of the glimpses of Super worm moon at the night of 20th March 2019 around the globe which is the 3rd and last super moon of the year 2019. What makes this full moon additionally unique is that it is harmonizing with the spring equinox in the Northern side of the equator.

The Super worm equinox moon captured in Nyon, Switzerland.

Nyon, Switzerland
Nyon, Switzerland
 Nyon, Switzerland
Nyon, Switzerland

The mesmerizing Super worm moon in Brennan 20th March 2019.

Brennan 20th March 2019
Brennan 20th March 2019

A beautiful view of Super worm moon in new England spring equinox 2019.

New England
New England

The previous evening’s super worm moon over Preston. The third and final super moon of 2019.

Over Preston
Over Preston




Shown here is a narrowband image of a horsehead and flame nebulae taken under a heavy light polluted city. Muhammad Ali is one of the founding members of Lahore Astronomical Society (LAST) and a passionate astrophotographer.


November-December 2018. Lahore, Pakistan.

A horse head and flame nebulae

A horse head and flame nebulae


The night sky is not black and it is evident here in this image of a portion of Sagittarius arm of Milky Way galaxy taken from a dark site away from city lights. Abubaker shekhani is one of th founding members of Karachi Astronomers Society (KAS).


March 2018. Ranikot Fort, Sindh, Pakistan.

Sagittarius arm of Milky Way galaxy
Sagittarius arm of Milky Way galaxy


It is a quite a sight when you are looking at moon and suddenly a plane passes in front of moon. Exactly this happened when Mian Mateen was taking images of moon and suddenly Thai Airways Airbus A380 made a silhouetted pass in front of moon.


December 2018. Lahore, Pakistan.

Thai Airways Airbus making a silhouetted pass in front of the moon.


This image of Sagittarius arm of Milky Way galaxy taken from Fairy Meadows. From up there, one can have amazing views of Nanga Parbat aka Killer Mountain (8126 m) under billions of stars. Myra Ahmad being a medical student is very passionate about astronomy & astrophotography as well.


August 2018. Fairy Meadows, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan.

Sagittarius arm of Milky way

Enceladus-A potential astrobiological candidate


We all are the descendants of the first form of life originated about 4 billion years ago o the planet Earth. Yet the complexity increases so is the study on the different life form existing and their way of origination. Science tells us that the life emerges as a result of reproduction of the daughter cells. Bu how the first form of life originated is a question of research among scientists.

Cassini flew by plumes of Enceladus
Cassini flew by plumes of Enceladus

Enceladus – Saturn’s ocean world

Five mid-sized Saturn’s moons Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione and Rhea orbit within Saturn’s E ring, beyond the main ring system. These are nearly spherical moons and have relatively low density and high albedo. The interiors of these moons are made up of water ice surrounding a small silicate core, whereas the surfaces are composed mainly of water ice.

All surfaces of moons in the E ring, except Enceladus, are dominated by impact craters and have been considered as geologically inactive for billions of years. The high albedo and relatively young un cratered geology of wide areas on Enceladus was discovered during Voyager Saturn flybys. In 2004-05 Cassini performed a number of flybys of Saturn’s icy satellites.

Clearly, the most spectacular discovery was the geological activity near Enceladus’ South Pole.  An anomaly in the magnetic field near Enceladus observed by the Cassini Magnetometer in February 2005, led to a closer flyby to investigate the phenomenon. On 14 July 2005 Cassini performed a flyby of Enceladus with the closest approach of ~ 168 km from the moon’s surface. The onboard Cassini’s Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) acquired images of Enceladus’ South Polar Terrain (SPT) and discovered jets of icy particles emitting from 135 km long fractures, situated at ~ 55°S latitude. The Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) aboard Cassini pointed out endogenic activity from SPT. The CIRS instruments detected 3 to 7 gigawatts of thermal emission from the SPT centered on the four linear stripes, the so-called “tiger stripes”.

Image NASA

The High Rate Detector (HRD) of the Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) onboard Cassini observed a great increase in the flux of icy dust particles jettisoned from Enceladus’ the South Pole into space. The analyses made clear that many of these ice particles escape Enceladus’ gravitational influence and form the E ring. Likewise, the onboard Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) detected water gas emerging from the same surface area. The onboard Ultraviolet and Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) observed the gas plume.

A potential astrobiological candidate

The Cassini’s instruments (INMS and CDA) already provided evidence of an organic enriched Enceladian plume gas and ice grains, which indicate interesting subsurface chemistry and maybe even prebiotic chemistry. 

In 2015, Cassini makes a final deep dive into Enceladus’ south polar plume and detected molecular hydrogen. In the beginning, the source of this molecular hydrogen was not clear, whether it comes from the breakup of water molecule inside the instrument or it comes directly from Enceladus’ subsurface ocean. But finally, scientists found out that molecular hydrogen, they detected, originated directly from the subsurface ocean of Enceladus.

Image NASA

Scientists found a large quantity of molecular hydrogen emerging from Enceladus, which is produced continuously probably from a hydrothermal vent in a similar way as it is produced in hot vents at the bottom of Earth’s ocean. In these earth’s hydrothermal vents, we know some of the earth’s oldest life forms — microorganisms exist. These microorganisms are called methanogens, which are found near hydrothermal vents without light and oxygen. These organisms convert hydrogen and carbon dioxide to methane. For them, molecular hydrogen is candy for these microbes. According to chief scientists on this project, if these earth’s methanogens transfer to Enceladus subsurface ocean, they can be survived because they would have food in the form of molecular hydrogen.

Recently a group of scientists in NASA’s jet propulsion laboratory did breakthrough research in this regard in order to propose the presence of life on other planets. Knowing the fact that the first life was formed at the hydrothermal vent. The scientists used beakers filled with a matte that were present in the primordial ocean. These resembling hydrothermal vents at the lab level acted as reservoirs for the building blocks of life. If we have these hydrothermal vents here on Earth, possibly similar reactions could occur on other planets, said JPL’s Erika Flores, co-author of the new study.

As known by the progress of science, amino acids and different organic compounds are important to form a living system. Researchers mixed water, minerals, and the amino acids precursor pyruvate and ammonia, an essential element of life. Astrobiologist Laurie Barge, the lead investigator and the first author on the new study, said Understanding how far you can go with just organics and minerals before you have an actual cell is really important for understanding what types of environments life could emerge from.

Image NASA

In hydrothermal vent where life formed first, the hot fluids releasing from Earth cracks interact with the Coldwater of the ocean creating a flux necessary for the life to develop and evolve. Keeping in mind the condition present there, barge and her team heated their beakers at 158°For 70°C at an alkaline pH. Since in early time the Earth was preoccupied with mineral iron hydroxide or the Green Rust than from Oxygen so the team removed oxygen from a mixture and kept the atmosphere similar for accurate results. Barge said investigating how things like the atmosphere, the ocean and the minerals in the vents all impact, this can help you understand how likely this is to have occurred on another planet.

The presence of green rust with minimal oxygen in the beakers lead to chemical reaction forming amino acid alanine and alpha hydroxy lactate. The latter is the by-product of the amino acid reaction which many scientists have theorize can form complex organic compounds that lead to life.

This research of finding ingredients of life by Barge and her team was a result of nine years ofhardwork. It was a completely new work done in this domai. The early basis on this topic was laid by JPL chemist Michael Russell who worked on whether ingredients of life are found at hydrothermal vents and what amount of energy flux is present there. Barge and her team are hoping to find more ingredients and inch her way up the chain of life. We have shown that in geological conditions similar to early Earth, and maybe to other planets, we can form amino acids and alpha hydroxy acids from a simple reaction under mild conditions that would have existed on the seafloor.

This line of research is important as scientists study worlds in our solar system and beyond that may host habitable environments. Understanding how life could start in an ocean without sunlight would assist scientists in designing future exploration missions, as well as experiments that could dig under the ice to search for evidence of amino acids or other biological molecules.

The future Mars missions could return samples from the Red Planets rusty surface, which may reveal evidence of amino acids formed by iron minerals and ancient water. We don’t have concrete evidence of life elsewhere yet,said Barge. But understanding the conditions that are required for life origin can help narrow down the places that we think life could exist

Six modern day hacks for science writers


Modern-day Journalism is changing its trends on a daily bases and swift towards the digital versions. In a continuously changing scenario, a science writer needs to make headway on some skills to create its place in the digi-tal universe. Here I am narrating a bunch of tips to make your way out as a science writer in mainstream media. I would like to assure that one can build its career on solid basis within a year or so by following these guide-lines. A decade ago, writers would’ve had to put a lot of effort and time even an entire life to get a significant post in media but today a science writer fully equipped with modern techniques can be successful within a few months.

Go Social

Journalism is all about socializing and getting involved with as many persons as one can, specifically related to media. What one needs to learn is to break the walls and come out from its comfort zone. One should be more accustomed to outreaches and frequently got visited those places where he/she can meet media professionals and further enhance public relation. It can be a workshop in universities, science exhibitions, conferences, or seminars.

People to know

Science communication is a mandatory part if you are willing to work as a science journalist. The social media is also a tool that helps to get in quick touch with people around and to make close contacts. This will help you to keep updated from all the activities is happening nationwide. The more you connect with local and international science communities, the more you will be keep updated about scientific breakthroughs and advancement.

Are you social media savvy?

It would be great if you already are a Social media Savvy because social media is playing a vital role in communication around the globe. For a layman, it might a way of liking or commenting on celebrity’s posts and pages or watching videos only, but there is something beyond his imag-ination. It is a free ticket to link worldwide and helps him to grow and evolve. In Pakistan, social media accounts of a science communicator are important more than anything else because we are lacking in scientific
research and genuine platforms to get recognition through our talent.

Public Relation is more important

Consequently, public relation is more important for a science writer, just evaluate yourself, how many Science editors of mainstream media you personally know about? Initially, whether you are getting paid or not, write for everyone, use the viewership or readership of news channels to build your audience. Your publications on mainstream news websites will lead you towards the scientific societies of Pakistan
and later globally.


Urdu is definitely our national language and one should prefer Urdu writing to get more engagements in public. However, being a bilingual writer will give you great exposure. At least, an intermediate level English writing skills will help you to reach more field related people than Urdu. So if you are not influential in any of these two languages, getting start learning, though there is not a perfect tool but reading more English magazines and books will eventually help you to further horn your English writing skills.

Be Technical

As the world is growing faster one should fully be equipped with technical knowledge and skills that eventually drag down his efforts at a faster pace. Since basic photo editing and video editing is an essential part of modern-day digital writing, a little knowledge of word press will also help in the speedy approach. It will be great to run a personal blog in order to get recognition until you grow in mainstream media.

So! What are you waiting for? Just muscles up and take a fresh breath, kick off your science writing career as a blogger. But one should keep in mind that success and failure are parts of life, none of them are final. It is the courage, determination, and persistence that count.
Good Luck to you all.

Science Festivals


A series of science festivals organized by Khwarizmi Science Society

The Khwarizmi Science Society (KSS) is one of Pakistan’s most active science associations: organizing seminars, national workshops, public and popular lectures, sponsoring students’ science projects, maintaining an online magazine “Takveen”, screening video presentations and science movies, and arranging field visits and symposiums of high quality. Most of these events are announced and reported in the local press and locally published science communiqués.

The major objectives of the KSS include but not limited to scientific meetings and dialogue, encouraging students to take up careers in science, Student-scientist interaction, Popularization and public dissemination of science, Fostering collabo-rations between individuals and organizations, and Resource Sharing.

The Khwarizmi Science Society (KSS) is a pioneer in bringing the communities closer to the world of science. 2019 has been a remarkable year for those involved in science outreach. The series of science-fests and Astro-fests initiated by the KSS two decades ago continues as two major events were held in the areas surrounding Lahore.

The year started with a positive note when the KSS took its mobile science lab to Harsukh School located in a farmhouse near Bedian Road on 29th January. The people at Harsukh were equally welcoming and were able to gather students and parents from other schools as well. Apart from scientific exhibitions demonstrated by the KSS, the team at Harsukh gave it a cultural touch by adding music, art, and color to it.

The second event of the year took place at Syedanwala Higher Secondary School, Girls Campus, Kasur when scientific exhibits were put up for public observation. The exhibits comprised of mathematical games, Newton’s cradle and snake pendulum explaining basic concepts of physics and telescopic observation.

The ground was full of people keen to dive into the world of science. The students at Syedanala School created some of the most colorful scientific exhibits and explained scientific concepts to the public on the go. Moreover, butterfly and insect collections and stuffed species specimens were also available for public observation. A team from LUMS introduced the art of calligraphy to the visitors as well.

Like the previous events, these science-fests were open to all and invited people of all ages, genders, and walks of life. The KSS looks forward to continuing this journey of scientific outreach this year with even bigger and inclusive events by making them reachable to as many people as possible.

Scientists can strengthen nuclear agreements

Scientists’ expertise has long been crucial for nuclear negotiations — as exemplified by Ali Akbar Salehi of Iran and Ernest Moniz of the United States.Credit: Thomas Imo/Photothek/Getty

Scientists’ expertise has long been crucial for nuclear negotiations — as exemplified by Ali Akbar Salehi of Iran and Ernest Moniz of the United States. Credit: Thomas Imo/Photothek/Getty

Just days ago, it looked as if India and Pakistan were ready to go to war. Ambulance drivers and trauma surgeons were told to cancel leave; airports were shuttered and the skies cleared of commercial flights. The world held its breath as the two nuclear-armed nations shot down each other’s fighter jets. Thankfully, both sides have stepped back.

By coincidence, US–North Korea nuclear talks in the same week ended prematurely with no deal. North Korea will, however, continue its moratorium on nuclear tests for now, while the United States continues to suspend major joint military activities with South Korea.

The United States and North Korea are at least beginning to climb the ladder towards disarmament, however shakily. The South Asian countries, by contrast, are not even on the first rung. The big lesson from these most recent events is the need for an urgent global, or at a minimum bilateral, effort — one that includes researchers — to address the risks of undeclared nuclear arsenals. Stockpiles, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, are expanding.

Scientists have been at the heart of the most successful nuclear agreements, from the Soviet–US talks that laid the foundations for the global Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in 1996 to negotiations in 2015 on what is known as the Iran nuclear deal.

Researchers are central because they have advanced knowledge of the science and technology of nuclear-weapons development, testing, dismantling and verification. Indeed, it is often researchers such as Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, and former US energy secretary Ernest Moniz — who both worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge — who negotiate and write the words.

Historically, nuclear diplomacy has focused on global agreements; the latest is the troubled Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which opened for signature on 20 September 2017. But India and Pakistan — along with Israel — will not sign until the five permanent nuclear-weapons states (the United States, Russia, China, France and the United Kingdom) agree to do so, and that is even less likely. A more effective approach would be to build on existing agreements, starting with a 30-year-old bilateral agreement between India and Pakistan, in which scientists and engineers from each side swap lists of facilities, with their governments pledging not to attack.

This accord could be broadened to include a pledge that lists are accurate and that neither side will attack essential infrastructure, especially large dams, says Toby Dalton, co-director of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington DC. He adds that the countries could also agree to exchange information on the ability of domestic extremist groups to acquire nuclear technology.

This could be instigated by each country’s scientists, or through membership of the InterAcademy Partnership of scientific academies that work together on global problems. They have a duty to use these links, and their influence with the media and politicians, to take this step.

One of the biggest hurdles to all such undertakings, bilateral or multilateral, is an understanding that the greater threat is doing nothing towards disarmament. In that respect, the US–North Korea talks are at least in play. Eventually, India and Pakistan also need to begin a formal process. The people of South Asia were genuinely shaken by last week’s military action. The world can no longer afford to live with the risk that this action could have led to all-out war.

Nature 567, 5 (2019)

The editorial was originally published in Nature, 6th March 2019 and is re-publishing here with prior permission.



Brief Answers to the Big Questions

Hawking’s last book concluded that there is no possibility for the existence of God in our universe.

In the very last attempt of science writing, the renowned physicist Stephen Hawking tackled on some of the biggest mysteries and religiously freighting questions about the universe and he tackled them very well.

The book published in October 2018 by Bantam books New York, just six months after Hawking’s death that merely seems a collection of his five-decades-long research work, stated by the publisher. The preface of the book is brilliantly written by Eddy Ride Moore who played Hawking’s role in his biopic “Theory of everything”. In the beginning, the leading cosmo-logist Prof. Kips S Throne penned down a thorough introduction of the book. Prof Kips has the privileged of a long-term relationship with Stephen
Hawking over a period of more than half a century.

The book begins with the thought-provoking questions that why we should identify and try hard to resolve the greatest mysteries of the universe. Since Stephen Hawking had viewed the human kind as scientists and whenever he inquired about the origin of life and fate of the universe, he answered these queries as a scientist. The main purpose behind compiling this book is to spread the awareness that science can play a vital role in understanding the biggest problems of mankind on planet earth and each chapter of the book addresses a mystery of the universe.

The first & second chapters of the book outline the questions about God’s existence and the beginning of the universe. It is a matter of fact that we observe the universe as it seems but why this is so, what was its origin? Who creates it, a supernatural being or it came into existence out of nothing and what would be its fate? The answers of these questions have compiled from his interviews, lecture series and speeches. Though Hawking’s life had relayed on an electric wheelchair his mind could able to spiral across this mind-bogglingly vast cosmos and swishing back billions of years to obser-ves the first breath of the time.

Once Hamlet said that if he imprisoned in a tiny shell, he could still smell himself as the emperor of this small space. Likewise, Hamlet, the human-kind has been deeming itself as the emperor of this endless universe. But here, in the third chapter of the book Stephen hawking enlightens on the possibility of life somewhere else in the universe as an experienced physicist and entitled living being as an ordered system, which can resist any obstacle and can regenerate by itself.

In the very next chapter of the book without going into the freighting religious or astrology details, Hawking discusses that it could never be poss-ible to predict the future of the universe. Though one can figure out the future with the principles of Quantum physics these calculations are a daunting task and the result would still be uncertain.

All through the life Stephen Hawking vociferously defended his big bang theory- a widely accepted and appreciated idea about the origin of the universe which states that everything the universe contains emerged from the speck of a massive explosion and is strictly following the fixed and certain scientific laws. Hawking concluded this concept that M-theory a combination of laws of relativity, gravity, and quantum physics are enough to explain everything and every phenomenon around us.

The Black holes are generally collapsed stars those are so dense that nothing even the light can escape from them.  At their ultra-packed point of mass called “event horizon”, the gravity is happened to be so strong that it distorts both time and space, so time does not exist in the depths of a black hole. This is a piece of evidence that there was not time before the big bang because the universe also came into existence as a singularity.

Hawking similarly successfully captures the possibility of time travel in the last chapter of his book. The laws of Quantum physics tell us that Einstein’s general theory of relativity is precise and if the energy density of the universe is positive enough then traveling into time could not be possible might with some exciting new set of laws and breakthrough in future one day it could be a reality.

In his final book, Hawking concluded that the universe is self-sufficient, the God or a divine power played a role only in setting the initial conditions of the universe so that the universal laws of nature could take their exact shape as we find them. Though this concept is a little coax to the theistic believers’ still i leaves plenty of space for hope, wonder, excitement, and gratitude to the humankind.

Meet The Teen Aspiring To Become the First Pakistani flag bearer in space


“Imagination is more important than knowledge”, dreaming high to touch the farthest bounds of cosmos.

Iram Farooq is a seventeen years old astronomy enthusiast based in Faisalabad. She’s an aspiring astronaut to NASA and has been in love with astronomy since she was only six years old. Later, this mere interest in astronomy became her passion and since then she has been learning about space sciences and astronomy. Iram has wide collection astrophotographs and she used to tweet them on daily basis.

Here are some excerpts of her conversation with Ahsan Javed, our in-charge kid’s corner.

A child gazing the night sky

How did your interest develop in astronomy, do you have a wonderful story which everyone like to know about?

My interest in astronomy is a natural gift. I remember gazing moon at night and searching science TV shows was my favorite pass time as a child. At that time, nobody around me was interested in astronomy. Still, I got excited whenever I watched documentaries filmed by NASA, ESA or science channels. When I read science book of 5th class, I narrated the whole book to my mother. I have a folder where I kept my all data since I was 11 years old. With the passage of time, I started using social media where at least I can share my ideas and tell others why astronomy is important
especially in Pakistan for the advancement in science and technology.

Who inspired you the most?

Neil Armstrong inspired me the most. He was the first person ever heard from the NASA and only because of him I came to know about NASA [otherwise I could be late to know about it] and yeah this is a reason behind my great love for the moon.

What do you like to say a student of higher grade about astronomy? 

I want to say that every subject has its own importance and interesting as well, but the way science is being taught to us is a little bit different. Students are less interested in space sciences because their teachers never tell them what the astronomy really is about. Astronomy is not only about
stars, planets, or the moon. Trust me if one tries to study, it will further enhance his/her imagination and perception and will try to learn more about our creator, The God, his power and the beauty he created for hum-ans. One should never get scared of tough equations, daunting mathemat-ical problems, and such stuff because they will help to understand the grand design of this vast universe. If you thought that the cosmos and its vastness is beyond your ability, then you are wrong. Initially, I was too scared of mathematics and physics but once my interest was built, I could not able even to move out of it. Remember there might be some hurdles and problems and a lot of resistance of society but if you are strong enough and have the courage you will do it.

What do you think, how can teachers motivate their students for astronomy?

This is exactly the right question I wanted to hear the most. Teachers can play an important and active role in this regard. I think every teacher should teach students about the importance of astronomy and space scien-ce. The main reason behind the fact that students are sick of science espec-ially math, is the way they are being taught. Unfortunately, our teach-ers do not take their profession seriously, they used to in hurry and wind up everything after the lecture. They have no clue of sharing knowledgeable stuff with students in order to develop the passion of search and
practice/analyze by their own.

Eventually, during schooling, my teachers never asked me about my personal interest. They thought me a silent and shy girl that consequently dropped my self-confidence to null, so I never tried to share my story with others. I want to address every teacher in Pakistan, please pay attention to every student not only in their studies but also beyond, examine and nurture them, encourage them to share at least their thoughts. This can not only help to build their self-confidence but also encourage them to tell and inspire others. A student might appear dull and careless about studies, but his/her stories might stronger enough.

Who among your teachers motivated you the most and why?

I never joined academies or got the help of tutors rather I prefer to learn and practice on my own. I strongly felt that these coaching centers and academies are trying to manipulate the minds of the new generation and I cannot let others control my brain. Consequently, students are now getting accustomed with these academies that further decreasing their learning abilities. In school, my teachers never try to examine my potential and capabilities, they never talked about astronautics or space I loved to learn the most. So, none of my teacher got inspired me up to a level that worth mentioning and because of that I ever feel guilty as well. I would like to take this opportunity to request all the teachers that understand their student’s real capabilities and guts and encourage them to move forward in the respective field either physics, mathematics, astronomy or else.

If you get a chance to be an astronaut, which place you would like to visit?

Of course, Moon. I love every planet, but I am having a deep connection with the moon. Further, if I got a chance to visit Mars then yes, would love to visit there with a green flag.



The world knows Albert Einstein as a genius — the theory of relativity, his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2, and his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect have all immortalized him in the annals of history.

But Albert could never have become Einstein without his first wife and college sweetheart, Mileva Maric. 

Mileva was a physicist of note in her own right — some even go as far as to argue that she was perhaps a better scientist than Einstein himself. Born in 1875 in Titel, (modern day Serbia), Mileva belonged to an affluent family of Serbian descent. Mathematics and physics were her passions and such was her intellect that even in those times, she was allowed to attend an all-boys’ school in Zagreb as a teenager to pursue her intellectual passions.

Mileva and Albert with Hans

From Zagreb, Mileva moved to Zurich to enroll at the Zurich Polytechnic School. She was the only woman among the six students enrolled in the course. It was here that she met a young German student named Albert Einstein. Their shared love of science eventually resulted in them striking up a romantic relationship. Some years later, they got married. Albert is said to have relied on Mileva’s brilliance for his work although recent scholarship explains that he never gave credit to her for her ideas.

But for many years, Mileva stayed at home while Albert worked in a different country and travelled far and wide for professional purposes. Although they had three children — Lieserl Einstein (1902–1903), Hans Albert Einstein (1904–1973) and Eduard Einstein (1910–1965) — the relationship collapsed and two scientists went their separate ways. Albert would remarry in 1919, this time to his cousin Elsa Löwenthal.

On Einstein’s 140th birth celebrations, the Scientia Pakistan team brings a side of Albert Einstein that remains unfamiliar territory to many: Einstein’s relationship with Mileva Maric. We are reprinting a selection of letters exchanged by Mileva and Albert (preserved at the Princeton University Press as part of The Digital Einstein Papers). Through these letters shared by Mileva and Albert, we discover how the flame that once burned bright was eventually extinguished by the pressures of a long-distance relationship.

From Mileva Maric

[Zurich, after 7 July 1901]

My Darling,

Again I was unable to reply for an eternity to your dear little letter. I did want to write you immediately, but you know how much I am suffering now and this afternoon I had such a severe headache that I had to lie down. I’ve already become an utter whiner of a little mother. But now I’m feeling very well again.- So Drude also has let something be heard of him, he really is a splendid fellow. How the gentlemen do pay court to one another; I mean, the way he speaks about Boltzmann, that he believed he must have done it right. Naturally, a Boltzmann!

So, sweetheart, you want to look for a job immediately? and have me move in with you! How happy I was when I read your little letter, and how happy I still am and always will be, as well. And I’d give my head if my happiness wasn’t contagious to you as well, sweetheart! But of course it really mustn’t involve the worst of positions, darling, that would be too hard for me, I couldn’t stand it. Our various elders are going to be amazed, now. Incidentally, my sister wrote me that I really should invite you to visit us during the holidays; my old folks are probably in a better mood now. Wouldn’t you like to come along just for a while? I would be pleased! And imagine the wonderful trip we’d be taking there together! We would get off every so often and go on foot a bit or make brief stops. And then at our place everything would be new to you. And when my parents see us both physically before them, all their doubts will evaporate.

The Einstein family’s home in Novi Sad, Serbia

Did you have a nice time in Lenzberg? On Sunday there was such a terrible thunderstorm, I was constantly afraid you might still be en route. But I hope you were already safely under cover, sweetheart. I did still want to give you cherries, you know, but you wouldn’t have been able to carry them to L[enzburg] anyway. Now they’re waiting for you, nicely locked away. I am being very industrious, I still have to study Weber astutely now; and in between I’m constantly looking forward to Sunday when I can see you again and kiss you, really and truly, not just in my thoughts, and deeply, as it comes from my heart, and everywhere all over.

What are you up to, sweetheart? Is the weather there as dreadful as it is here? When you come on Sunday, do also bring your little fiddle along, and in any case, just write when you’re coming so that I can expect you.

But now, my greetings and kisses from the bottom of my heart, and write back soon. Yours,


Miss Popova is jealous of me about Miss Engelbrecht, which naturally amuses me, and whenever we 3 meet she gets annoyed.

To Mileva Marie,

Bern. Saturday evening. [28 June 1902 or later]

My little Darling,

I am in high spirits, having just arrived from the Garden with Ehrat and Solovini, and a young man whom I know from Schaffhausen and who had come along to Bern just in order to visit me. Tomorrow I’m going to the Beatenberg near Thun with them, and they will be leaving on Monday, which suits me just fine. I would much rather be going to the Beatenberg with you than with a bunch of men; after all, I’m a man myself.

You can’t imagine how tenderly I think of you whenever we’re not together, even though I’m always such a mean fellow when I’m with you. But just you wait: next Sunday, or the Sunday after that, we, too, will make an excursion, and we will leave already on Saturday evening! Then, in the evening and at night, I will kiss you and squeeze you again to my heart’s desire.

Mileva with her two sons, Hans and Eduard

Ehrat suffers quite a lot from his bad nerves, even though he has a very agreeable life. Imagine if he had my job! I don’t think he would be able to stand it for even 14 days. He should really have a sweetheart like I do, who’ll love him and bring some poetry into his life, so he’ll realize that one can have a life that’s full of good cheer and tender feelings, instead of wearing a constant frown upon one’s face.

Goodbye my sweetheart; we’ll meet Monday at 6 o’clock at the tower.

Kisses from your


From Mileva Einstein-Maric

Budapest, 27 August 1903

Dear Jonzerl,

I’m already in Budapest, it’s going quickly, but it’s hard, I don’t feel at all well. What are you doing, little Jonzile, write me soon, will you.

Your poor Schno[xl?]

To Mileva Einstein-Maric Bern

Friday [19? September 1903]

Dear Schnoxl,

I’m not at all angry that my poor Schnoxl must be on the nest. What’s more, I am even delighted about it and have already been pondering whether I should not see to it that you get a new Lieserl, so that you won’t be deprived of that which is every woman’s right. Don’t worry but come home in a happy mood, and brood very carefully so that something good will hatch out.

I am very sorry about what happened with Lieserl. Scarlet fever often leaves some lasting trace behind. If only everything passes well. How is Lieserl registered? We must take great care, lest difficulties arise for the child in the future.

Now come back to me soon. [Three-and-a-half] weeks have already passed, and a good little wife should not be away from her man for longer than that. But our place still does not look nearly as terrible as you might think. You will quickly put it in order again.

This is the living room of the second-floor apartment that Albert Einstein rented from 1903 to 1905 in Bern, Switzerland. He lived here with Mileva and their son Hans Albert Einstein | Source: Wikipedia.

I am getting along with Haller better than ever before. He is quite friendly, and recently, when a patent agent protested against my finding, citing even a decision of the German patent office in support of his complaint, he took my side on all points. You’ll see, I’ll get ahead, so we’ll not have to starve. If only my mother could get a job in Berlin, then we would be out of the woods. It also seems quite certain that Oberlin, who is well disposed toward me, will become a deputy administrator. Luigi will shortly be in Hechingen. It remains to be seen whether he will also come to Bern.

Come soon. Love and kisses from


Cordial greetings to everyone.

To Mileva Einstein-Maric

[Kandersteg] Monday [25 July 1904]

Dear Wife: I saw the dark-blue Blausee in marvelous weather, and now we arrived here in Kandersteg under cloudless skies. My love to the filius Rabatzel and to Fuxl, your Albert

To Mileva Einstein-Marie Bern,

Good Friday [17 April 1908]

Dear Sweetheart: I’ve just come home from a long walk with Laub. I work with him a great deal. Unless I am totally mistaken, Minkowski’s determination of ponderomotive forces is wrong. We now derive the whole thing in another way. Nowadays I always take my meals with Laub. We no longer eat at Münze because we both had indigestion — probably because of the questionable fat they use there. I’ve been getting a letter from little Habicht at least every other day, but I don’t always get around to answering him.

I don’t like the solitude at all, Laub notwithstanding. I wait longingly for your return. I ordered two books, O. E. Meyer’s Kinetische Theorie der Gase, and Meisterstücke des Humors, a collection of the best classics in this genre. I haven’t yet talked with Mrs. Hausmann. Pfedi has asked for your address. I was invited to Schenk’s yesterday. He is now courting me a little because . . . Nothing beats selflessness. A capable man is working in Würzburg on my method for the determination of [missing]. I am writing higgledy-piggledy, but what does it matter? Maybe in this way I’ll bring it about that you’ll more willingly let me read your letters.

The apartment is very dirty now — I must prepare you for that. Laub is quite a nice man, though very ambitious, almost rapacious. But he is doing these calculations, which I wouldn’t find time to do, and this is good. He also wants to work on confirming the light quanta.

Kisses to you and Bu from dear


Convey my cordial greetings to Auntie, Grandpa, Grandma, and Auntie Watz, and also Uncle, if he is there

From Mileva Einstein-Maric

[Prague, 4 October 1911]

Dear Babu, I was delighted with your letter, a few things were missing, though, but hopefully they may still come? It must have been very interesting in Karlsruhe; I would have loved only too well to have listened a little, and to have seen all those fine people. Is the Marx family large, did you do your duty a little bit? It’s been an eternity since we have seen each other, will you still recognize me? Should I really come to Zurich? The weather here is wonderful. Splendid fall weather, wonderful, do we still want to try to do something? Assuming I come, where should I write to inform you about my arrival, for you will pick me up, I hope. For today, many tender feelings from your old


To Mileva Einstein-Maric

[Berlin,] 2 April 1914

Dear Mama, I’ve been here in Berlin (Wilmersdorfer St.) since Sunday. It was extremely pleasant at the Ehrenfests. They would like to spend a few weeks together with us in Switzerland if possible. I’m now on familiar terms with Ehrenfest.

Albert plays the violin

It’s nice here. Yesterday I was at Haber’s for the first time; he sends all of you his greetings. I haven’t seen Mrs. Haber yet. Tomorrow I’m going to be at Koppel’s. He gave me a beautiful grandfather’s clock as a welcoming present. Gorgeously mild weather has set in here now; I hope it’s the same for you and that our Tete has no more little earaches, so that he can go outside a lot. Please write me immediately where the money has been deposited so that I can pay the moving expenses. According to a letter by Maag I can do no more in the Gentner affair regarding the heating because I paid the first bill without objection. For God’s sake! Another old tax bill arrived from Prague for about 80 kr. which I must pay. The new landlord is very decent. He’s having everything renovated nicely. The furniture will come on Monday but must be stacked up provisionally in the dining room because the apartment repairs will take another one and a half weeks.

Wishing you all enjoyable holidays and a good rest, yours,


To Mileva Einstein-Maric, Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein

[Berlin, 10 April 1914]

My Dears,

The director was quite sympathetic. He is very much to my liking. It will be better there than I thought. Lutheran religious instruction. Haber invites you all until the apartment is settled. Happy Easter wishes from your


Memorandum to Mileva Einstein-Maric, with Comments

[Berlin, ca. 18 July 1914]


A. You make sure

1) that my clothes and laundry are kept in good order and repair

2) that I receive my three meals regularly in my room

3) That my bedroom and office are always kept neat, in particular, that the desk is available to me alone.

B. You renounce all personal relations with me as far as maintaining them is not absolutely required for social reasons. Specifically, you do without

1) my sitting at home with you

2) my going out or traveling together with you.

C. In your relations with me you commit yourself explicitly to adhering to the following points

1) You are neither to expect intimacy from me nor to reproach me in any way.

2) You must desist immediately from addressing me if I request it.

3) You must leave my bedroom or office immediately without protest if I so request.

D. You commit yourself not to disparage me either in word or in deed in front of my children. I am ash[amed] for you because you let yourself be so affected by Berlin. Little boy, I only have to say, then he does it right away. Go your own way, let yourself be deceived. I really don’t care. Read this slowly. It will do you good. Read it also to your family, they have nothing else to do.

Ever since coming to Berlin you have become quite lazy. M[ileva] You must also write that thing about Mrs. Haber. They should also know that other people also are interested in how the famous man behaves. Nasty jokes.

To Mileva Einstein-Maric

[Berlin, ca. 18 July 1914]

D[ear] Miza,

Yesterday Haber gave me your letter, from which I gather that you want to accept my conditions. And yet I must write you again so that you are completely clear about the situation. I’m prepared to return to our apartment, because I don’t want to lose the children and because I don’t want them to lose me, and for this reason alone. After all that has happened, a comradely relationship with you is out of the question. It should become a loyal business relationship; the personal aspects must be reduced to a tiny remnant. In return, however, I assure you of proper comportment on my part, such as I would exercise toward any woman as a stranger. My confidence in you suffices for this, but only for this. If it is impossible for you to continue living together on this basis, I shall resign myself to the necessity of a separation.

Requesting a clear reply to this, yours,


To Mileva Einstein-Maric

[Berlin, ca. 18 July 1914]

D[ear] Miza,

Yesterday Mr. Haber sent for me and advised me to add another comment to you regarding my letter, because I had said in it that what remains of my confidence in you is just enough for a business relationship. It remains possible that I’ll regain a greater degree of confidence in you through proper behavior on your part.

Mileva’s tombstone at the Nordheim Cemetery in Zurich | Tesla Society and Serbia Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Let it be as he wishes. No one can see into the future. In any case, I don’t consider discussions about it useful. Therefore I ask you again whether you want to live with me under the specified terms. Consider it and give me a clear answer with no ifs or buts so that I know where I stand. Kisses to my dear boys,

Albert Einstein

To Elsa Einstein

[Berlin] Sunday. [26 July 1914]

Dear Else,

Today I’m already writing you the first letter, dear one, to make up for the briefness of the farewells. There is already something eminently important to report. My wife requested from Haber a final meeting with me before her departure. On this occasion we determined that Miza is to remain in Zurich with both children, and all the conditions down to the specifics were laid down in writing. It lasted three hours. The way to a divorce has also been smoothed. Now you have proof that I can make a sacrifice for you. What you have suffered in the last few days has made such an impression on me that I couldn’t act in any other way, despite the children.

Although Haber had rather discouraged than encouraged me, I do believe that he does secretly agree with me after all. I must admit that I feel a bit crushed; do you understand? Some time will have to elapse before I am again calmly in possession of myself. Such an affair is bit similar to a murder! But I came to realize that living together with the children is no blessing if the woman stands in the way. Tomorrow they will probably leave; I hope I’ll be able to see my boys one more time!

Elsa and Albert

After the meeting at Haber’s, I drove to your parents, who didn’t come home until after 11 o’clock, though, and received the news not without a mild distaste.

Tonight I’m sleeping in your bed! It is peculiar how confusedly sentimental one is. It is just a bed like any other, as though you had not yet ever slept in it. And yet I find it comforting that I may lay myself in it, somewhat like a tender confidence.

Dear little Else, have a good rest with your children and write me soon. You will help me gradually to regain my composure and confidence after the serious operation. It is really good that you are not here at the moment, because otherwise the severity of the situation would hit you very hard. For the present I cannot think of visiting you, for fear of damaging your good reputation again. Also, in the next few weeks my company is not conducive to summertime recreation. I shall attempt to overcome these difficult first weeks by working busily.

Kisses from your


Best regards to Ilse and Margot

To Mileva Einstein-Maric [Berlin,]

12 December 1914

D[ear] M[ileva],

I notice just now that I have paid fully for the move. But the tips to the people ought to have been paid by you and, if applicable, the storage fee for Zurich during the waiting period, and the customs charge. I request that you examine the mover’s bill. Should anything more have been paid, I shall claim it back.

I declare to you herewith that I will send you 5,600 M annually in quarterly installments to support you and the children, at least as long as my income does not sink substantially below the present level.

Best regards to Albert and Tete. As long as Albert does not answer my letter I must assume that it has not been given to him. Otherwise I would write to him again.

A. Einstein

To Mileva Einstein-Maric

[Berlin,] 12 January 1915

D[ear] M[ileva],

Officially you are my wife, the same as before, and as such have together with the children a claim to my bit of monetary holdings. But I am not inclined to relinquish the Fr 10,000 which constitute the remains of a sum allotted to me personally for my achievements. I find such a demand beyond discussion. If the share of your paternal inheritance had remained in your parents’ hands, it would have suffered just as much from the war as in your hands. As long as I live, the money in my possession will serve exclusively as security for you and the children, and when I die it will be transferred automatically to the children. The upkeep of all of you has been generously provided for, and I find your constant attempts to lay hold of everything that is in my possession absolutely disgraceful. Had I known you 12 years ago as I know you now, I would have considered my responsibilities toward you at that time quite differently.

A package of returned items, which arrived through no intention of mine in my hands rather than yours, will be delivered to you sometime.

I will maintain a regular correspondence with Albert only if I can indulge in the hope that this is beneficial and pleasurable to the boy. Part of this involves that no pressures be exerted on the child aimed at giving him a distorted image of me. If it is your honest wish not to destroy the personal relations between me and the boys, you will accept the following advice. Read what I write to the children but do not discuss it with them; and above all, let little Albert write to me by himself, do not read his letters, do not admonish him to write me, and do not discuss with him what he ought to write me. In this way you could be sure that I am making no attempts to take the children away from you, and I could be more to the boys than their breadwinner. If I see, however, that Albert’s letters are prompted, then I shall refrain from sustaining a regular correspondence out of consideration for the children.

With best wishes for 1915,

Albert Einstein.

140 most inspiring Albert Einstein Quotes of All Time


Albert Einstein is the most influential physicists of all time. He named as the person of the century by TIME in 1999. Einstein is an icon of intelligence whose extended wisdom far beyond the realm of science. Here is a collection of Einstein’s top 140 quotes on the eve of his 140th birthday to unleash your inner genius.

The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.

Albert einstein

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious, It is the source of all true art and science.


The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.


” Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work.

“I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be.

“ I’d rather be an optimist and a fool than a pessimist and right.

“ The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

“ There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.

“I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.

“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

“A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?

“Nothing happens until something moves.

“Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.”

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

“A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

“The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

“A true genius admits that he/she knows nothing.

“If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

“I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.

“What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right.

“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams.

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.

“The best way to cheer yourself is to cheer somebody else up.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.

“Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is the character.

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.

“When the solution is simple, God is answering.

“Weakness of attitude becomes the weakness of character.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

“Human beings must have action, and they will make it if they cannot find it.

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

“The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

“The only source of knowledge is an experience.

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

“Force always attracts men of low morality.

“The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.

“Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools.

“A ship is always safe at the shore – but that is NOT what it is built for.

“We still do not know one-thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us.”

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.

“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.

“The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.

“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

“Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.

“Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.

“I believe in intuitions and inspirations…I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.

“The only way to escape the corruptible effect of praise is to go on working.

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

“Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.

“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks a real advance in science.

“God always takes the simplest way.

“Small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think with their minds.

“Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.

“Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.

“Before God we are all equally wise – and equally foolish.

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.

“I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation and is but a reflection of human frailty.

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?

“The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.

“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.”

“If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.

“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.

“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

“The faster you go, the shorter you are.

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.

“My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.

“I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.

“The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge.

“All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.

“The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax.

“Information is not knowledge.

“Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.

“Memory is deceptive because it is colored by today’s events.

“If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor.

“Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized.

“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.

“In order to be an immaculate member of a flock of sheep, one must above all be a sheep oneself.

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.

“The distinction between the past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

“Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy.

“We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.

“The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there’s no risk of accident for someone who’s dead.

“It is only to the individual that a soul is given.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

“Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere.

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

“A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

“I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.

“It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom. Without this, it goes to wrack and ruin without fail.

” Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

” A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future.

” The leader is one who, out of the clutter, brings simplicity… Out of discord, harmony… And out of difficulty, opportunity.

” The value of achievement lies in the achieving.

” Know where to find the information and how to use it. That’s the secret of success.

” I very rarely think in words at all. A thought comes, and I may try to express in words afterward.

“The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

“The only way to escape the corruptible effect of praise is to go on working.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I am not sure about the universe.

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

“God does not play dice with the universe.

“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.

“Weakness of attitude becomes the weakness of character.

“One may say the eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.

“Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.

“Never lose a holy curiosity.

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.

“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.

“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.

“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.

“Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.

“Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.”

“Confidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.