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Sunday, September 8, 2024
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An Outclass conversation with Dr. Younas Khan on COVID19

We cannot make a whole virus as that would mean synthesizing and arranging the 30 to 40 000 nucleotides that its genome is comprised of, which is not possible.

HIV in Pakistan – An alarming Threat

During this pandemic outbreak, as we all are frightened by the upsurge spread of coronavirus in our communities, some other viruses will soon be...

The Hepatitis virus; An over-burdening toll on Pakistan

According to the medical experts, the current death toll due to Hepatitis is between 300 to 400 people daily.

All we need is Empathy during the pandemic days

We are hopeful of keeping up these efforts to help create more guidelines and translate important research work~ Hassnain Qasim

The technocrat strategies of Pakistani media in pandemic days

The institutions like CEJ, IBA, Karachi University, NUST, LUMS, and COMSATS, should kick-start science communication courses, and these courses should mandatory for web editors.

Child abuse and mental health; the road towards a healthier childhood

Another year started, all through the long nights of respite I stared in the pale light of the fading day and dark skies, wandering...

Gallery: Visit to the Pakistan Museum of Natural History

Pakistan Museum of Natural History is located in Islamabad and was established in 1976 as a public tourist spot. As this month is all...

How Pakistan saved Markhor from going extinct

If natural beauty is the crown of Earth, then biodiversity is the jewel in this crown. However, anthropogenic activities are continually decaying this jewel.  Markhor...

An Exclusive Tour of the Pakistan Museum of Natural History

Corresponding to the theme of our wildlife edition, we decided to take a tour of the Pakistan Museum of Natural History (PMNH) that is...

Eucalyptus poses a threat to the 10 billion tree tsunami Project

As policy of Pakistan turn green, environment of Pakistan faces greater threat of degradation.

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